Grade Node

Access: Nodes > Filter > Grade

The Grade node is a filter node that adjusts the input data by letting you change the grade of a texture.

Grade node's default settings

Grade node's increased Whitepoint,
Lift, Gain, Multiply,
and Gamma, decreased Offset

Grade node's increased Gain,
Multiply, and Gamma, decreased
Blackpoint, Lift, and Offset

Grade Node Inputs

Input - Any nodes containing textures or paint that need to be altered can be connected to the Contrast node, for example, Tiled and Paint nodes.

Grade Node Properties

floating point control

Sets the blackpoint of the RGB values. Blackpoint is the color value at which the input is considered to be 100% black.

Default: 0.000


floating point control

Sets the whitepoint of the RGB values. Whitepoint is the color value at which the input is considered to be 100% white.

Default: 1.000


floating point control

Lifts the blackpoint, while keeping the whitepoint the same.

Default: 0.000


floating point control

Lifts the whitepoint, while keeping the blackpoint the same.

Default: 1.000


floating point control

Multiplies the value to lighten or darken the texture while preserving the blackpoint.

Default: 1.000


floating point control

Specifies a fixed value to add in order to lighten or darken the texture.

Default: 0.000


floating point control

Adjusts the midtones, while keeping the whitepoint and blackpoint the same.

Default: 1.000


Grade: Node Graph Workflow Example

Let’s use a Grade node to change the whitepoint value of the texture.

1.   Create a Tiled node.

Adding a Tiled node the scene.

This is how the texture of the Tiled node looks:

Tiled node texture.

2.   Create a Grade node.
Connect the Tiled node to the input of the Grade node.

Adding a Grade node to the scene.

3.   Open the Node Properties of the Grade node and adjust the Blackpoint value.
Notice the change of color value.

Adjusting the Grade node's Blackpoint value.

Related Nodes

Tiled node

Paint node

Triplanar Projection node