Choosing Colors

Color Picker

Use the color picker to add colors to your palette. To open the color picker, click the button in the right menu.

This video shows you how to use the color picker.

In the video:

The color picker is located in the right docked menu.

Select a color using:

  • The color field
  • The color slider
  • Color input field (Hex, RGB, Hue, and Saturation values)

Using the Color Picker, select a color anywhere in Colorway or outside of Colorway.

To add a color to your sheet, drag the color from the color swatch to the item on the sheet.

Click the More button to set the CMYK, HSV, and RGB values.

Click the + (plus) button next to the color swatch to add the color to your color palette.

Pick a color by either of the following ways:

Use the slider to set the hue, then adjust the saturation in the color field.

Enter a value in the color input field. You can use Hex, RGB, or hue and saturation values.

Click More at the bottom of the panel and set the CMYK, HSV, and RGB values.