Exporting Selected Variations

Selected variations can be consolidated into a single PDF or image, making it easier to review your project or send final variations to a client.

To export selected variations:

  1. Ctrl/Cmd+Click the variations you want to be exported from the Variations tab
  2. To select all variations, select the first variation in your list, and then Shift + Click the last variation in the list

    Selected Variations are highlighted in blue.

  3. Navigate to File>Export>Entire Project with the Variations still selected
  4. In the Export Project window, change Project Export State to Selected Variations
  5. Adjust parameters such as Output Folder and Output File Name as needed.
  6. Note:  You are not able to export projects if a file destination is not set in the Output Folder field.

  7. Select the required Output Format. For this example, we are using .pdf as the output format.
  8. Click Export.

The selected Variations are exported to a .pdf.

Creating and PDF or Image File Per Variation

Colorway can also export each variation as a separate file. This means you won't need to export each variation individually; saving you time when it comes to separating variations form a larger project.

To Export Variations as individual files:

  1. Ctrl/Cmd+Click the variations you want to be exported from the Variations tab
  2. To select all variations, select the first variation in your list, and then Shift + Click the last variation in the list

    Selected Variations are highlighted in blue.

  3. Navigate to File>Export>Entire Project with the Variations still selected
  4. In the Export Project window, change Project Export State to Selected Variations
  5. Select the required Output Format. For this example, we are using .pdf as the output format.
  6. Under File grouping, select File Per Variation from the dropdown menu
  7. When selected, additional tags such as {Sheet} and {Variation} become available

  8. Click Export

Selected variations are exported as individual .pdf files. If you add {Sheet} and {Variation} tags to the Output File Name template, the names will be inherited by the exported .pdfs.