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Accessing the Logs

You can use the Flix 5 logs to understand what went wrong when using Flix 5. The logs show you if a problem has been caused by invalid permissions, if there are issues in the network configuration, or if there are issues with the Flix 5 setup or Flix 5 itself.
You may encounter errors that are self-explanatory and then be able to fix the problems if the issues do not come from Flix 5 itself. However, if you encounter an issue or something you can’t fix on your own, please contact our Support team. To contact Support, see Contacting Customer Support for more details.

There are several ways to access the logs for each service. You can access them through the Flix 5 Status page, see Status Page. In case you can't access the Flix 5 Status page, there are other ways to access the logs.

Note:   The logs, which you can access through the Status page, your File Explorer, or Finder, contain the same information.

Note:  To use SSL protocol, navigate to FLIX_ROOT/flixApp/flixConfig/context/ and add the following line:
self.useSSL = '1'

Accessing the Logs When Flix 5 is Running

For each of the Flix 5 services there is a dedicated log page accessible through your web browser. To access the web log pages of the different services, do the following:

To access the log of the local service, go to the following URL address:

Note:  You can only access this log when running Flix 5 on a local machine. If Flix 5 is not running on the local machine, see the Accessing the Logs On the User’s Machine section.

To access the log of one of the services that is running on the server, do the following:

Enter a URL address in your web browser using the following syntax:
http://[IP Address or Hostname]:[port number]/log
For instance, to access the service with the IP Address on port 35900, go to the following URL address:

Note:  You can only access this service's log when running Flix 5 on the corresponding server and port. If Flix 5 is not running on the server, see the Accessing the Logs On the Servers section.

Tip:  You can filter out the log display and only show the log data for a specific search term.
To filter out the log display, use the following syntax:[keyword]
For instance with the keyword ERROR, enter the following URL address in your web browser:

Accessing the Logs When Flix 5 is not Running

When Flix 5 is not running, you can access the logs on the user's machine and on the servers.

Accessing the Logs On the User’s Machine

If Flix isn’t running on a user’s machine, you can still access the log from the following location:

Windows: C:\Temp\flix_[user]\errorLog_35980.log

Mac: /Users/Shared/flix_[user]/errorLog_35980.log

Linux: /tmp/flix/flix_[user]/errorLog_35980.log

Note:  The [user] is the username corresponding to the user running Flix 5.

Accessing the Logs On the Servers

When Flix 5 isn’t running on a server and fails to launch, you can still access the log that has been created. To access the startup logs for each service, do the following:

Navigate to the following location: /tmp/flix_[port_number].startupLog.

Note:  You can customize where the service startup log files are stored by navigating to FLIX_ROOT/flixApp/apps/[OS]/launchers/Flix_Variables and setting the STARTUP_LOG_PATH variable with the path to where you want to store the service startup log files.

You can also access the log that is created when Flix 5 encounters an error on a server. To access the logs for each service, do the following:

Navigate to the following location: /tmp/flix/flix_[user]/errorLog_[port-number].log.

Note:  The [port-number] is the port on which the service is running (for instance queue running on 35900) and the [user] is the username corresponding to the user running the service.

Consulting Access Log

You can check who accesses which sequence by checking the Flix 5 logs. The logs are stored in the flixers/flix folder. An entry is added every time an artist loads a sequence.

Note:  An error in logging doesn't prevent Flix 5 from running.

To access the log, navigate to: FLIX_ROOT/flixers/flix/userActions_[FILE_PROC_PORT].log
The log shows information on which user accessed which Flix 5 show, sequence, and version, at what time.

Logging Level Overview

You can customize the level of information written out by Flix 5 to have more or less information depending on who is running Flix 5.
When troubleshooting an issue, it’s always recommended to have a high level of logging (debug) to have as much information as possible on the current issues. However, it is recommended to have a lower level of logging for artists so that the command prompt or the Terminal does not get filled with information that is not relevant to the artists.

The available logging levels are:

CRITICAL : 50 (lowest logging level where only the critical errors get printed out)

ERROR : 40


INFO : 20

DEBUG : 10 (highest logging level)

Note:  To set the logging level, set the logLevel parameter to the required level. See the Logging Parameters section for more details.