Release Notes for Nuke and Hiero 12.0v2

Release Date

18 October 2019

Qualified Operating Systems

macOS High Sierra (10.13) or macOS Mojave (10.14)

Windows 7 or Windows 10 (64-bit)

CentOS 7.4 (64-bit), or later

Note:  The VFX Platform 2019 upgrade includes library versions that are only compatible with CentOS 7.4, or later. Nuke 12 is qualified on the Centos 7.4, 7.5, and 7.6 distributions.

Other operating systems may work, but have not been fully tested.

Requirements for Nuke's GPU Acceleration

If you want to enable Nuke to calculate certain nodes using the GPU, there are some additional requirements.


An NVIDIA GPU with compute capability 3.0 (Kepler) or above. A list of the compute capabilities of NVIDIA GPUs is available at

Note:  The compute capability is a property of the GPU hardware and can't be altered by a software update.

With graphics drivers capable of running CUDA 10.1 or above. On Windows and Linux, CUDA graphics drivers are bundled with the regular drivers for your NVIDIA GPU. Driver versions 418.96 (Windows) and 418.39 (Linux), or above are required. See for more information.

Note:  We recommend using the latest graphics drivers, where possible, regardless of operating system.


Note:  Bit-wise equality between GPU and CPU holds in most cases, but for some operations there are limitations to the accuracy possible with this configuration.

On Windows and Linux, an AMD GPU from the following list:

Note:  Other AMD GPUs may work, but have not been fully tested.

Radeon™ RX 480

Radeon™ Pro WX 7100

Radeon™ Pro WX 9100

Radeon™ Pro SSG

Radeon™ Pro WX 8200

Note:  For information on the recommended driver for each GPU, see

On Mac, AMD GPUs are supported on any late 2013 Mac Pro, mid 2015 MacBook Pros onward, and late 2017 iMac Pros.

Warning:  Although AMD GPUs are enabled on other Mac models, they are not officially supported and used at your own risk.

Multi-GPU Processing

Hiero's GPU support includes an Enable multi-GPU support option. When enabled in the preferences, GPU processing is shared between the available GPUs for extra processing speed.

Note:  Multi-GPU processing is only available for identical GPUs in the same machine. For example, two NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080s or two AMD Radeon™ Pro WX 9100s.

New Features

There are no new features in this release.

Feature Enhancements

There are no feature enhancements in this release.

Bug Fixes

• ID 397668/404902 - Windows only: Reconnecting media referencing .exr clips caused Nuke Studio/Hiero to become unresponsive.

• ID 404248 - Windows only: Command line silent installs using /D="" /ACCEPT-FOUNDRY-EULA did not work as expected.

• ID 404501 - OCIO: Certain exports failed with incorrect Colorspace errors, despite being valid.

• ID 406520/407640 - Documentation: The Properties panel ? button did not open the Nuke help as expected.

• ID 407044 - Monitor Output: Disabling monitor output in --safe mode caused Nuke Studio to crash.

• ID 407144 - macOS only: Hiero Non-Commercial did not work as expected.

• ID 407670 - Preferences: The foundry host path to the documentation was incorrect.

• ID 407994 - macOS only: Opening more than one instance of Nuke did not work as expected.

• ID 408047 - Non-Commercial: Nuke Studio Non-Commercial incorrectly required a full Nuke Studio license to run.

• ID 408354 - macOS only: Certain scripts containing Convolve and ZDefocus nodes caused Nuke to crash.

• ID 408772 - Linux only: Changing the OS locale to a numeric system that uses , (comma) for decimal points displayed an unexpected '.' in "5.2000" error message.

• ID 408911 - Nuke closed on start up and did not display an error message if a fatal error was detected in the or files.

New Known Issues Specific to Nuke 12.0

This section covers new known issues and gives workarounds for them, where appropriate.

Note:  NVIDIA GPUs with compute capability of 3.0 (Kepler) cannot process .r3d files due to a known issue in the R3D SDK preventing decoding and debayering. Nuke defaults to CPU processing when reading .r3d files with these cards installed. A list of the compute capabilities of NVIDIA GPUs is available at:

• ID 410015 - Windows only: Monitor output from AJA Kona 4 cards using HDMI is split incorrectly in to four images on the monitor.

• ID 409910 - macOS only: Monitor output playback is not smooth towards the end of certain clips using AJA cards.

• ID 409909 - macOS only: Switching between monitor output devices in Nuke Studio occasionally causes the device selection dropdown to disappear.

• ID 409907 - macOS only: Enabling monitor output from AJA cards occasionally displays images in the wrong quadrants of the monitor.
As a workaround, change to another 1080p format to refresh the monitor.

• ID 409888 - macOS only: Enabling monitor output during playback occasionally causes Nuke Studio to become unresponsive.

• ID 409887 - Monitor Output: Enabling monitor output from a Viewer in a stereo mode, such as Flicker, occasionally causes Nuke Studio to crash.

• ID 408220 - Linux only: The numpad Num Lock function is always disabled.

• ID 408079 - GridWarpTracker: Using SmartVector tracking data does not work as expected if the Viewer downrez control is set to anything other than 1:1.

• ID 408019 - Navigating to Help > Documentation > Foundry Online Help directs you to the wrong page.
As a workaround, go to

• ID 405246 - High DPI Hiero: Launching Hiero from a timeline comp draws the UI incorrectly.

• ID 404490 - OCIO: Comps do no always respect changes to the Read node's Colorspace control in the timeline environment when opened in the comp environment.

• ID 404189 - Bin View: Disparity channels are not displayed consistently in clip thumbnails.

• ID 403804 - Linux only: Switching resolution on the HTC Vive HMD occasionally displays black output in the headset. As a workaround, update the Viewer by changing frame or press F5 to refresh the headset output.

• ID 403337 - High DPI: when changing primary monitor the UI gets messy.

• ID 403210 - Qt Mac: Swapping between full-screen and regular workspaces does not retain the UI scale.

• ID 403141 - Monitor Output: Colourspace in A/B mode does not match the Viewer.

• ID 402331 - CameraShake: The Viewer controls remain after deleting the node.

• ID 402330 - High DPI: The Denoise Viewer analysis message is truncated.

• ID 402095 - macOS only: Monitor output currently stutters or jumps when playback begins.

• ID 401946 - High DPI: F_WireRemoval on-screen controls are draw incorrectly.

• ID 401936 - Timeline Editing: Audio is not currently muted if the Viewer frame rate is different to the sequence frame rate.

• ID 401168 - High-DPI: The DeepCrop Viewer widget is thinner than in older versions of Nuke.

• ID 400816 - High DPI: Moving cuts on the timeline does not scale or position the Viewer frame preview correctly.

• ID 400543 - High DPI: The Wipe controls in Nuke Studio are smaller and thinner than in older versions of Nuke.

• ID 400508 - High DPI: The Wipe bounding box outline thinner and smaller than in older versions of Nuke.

• ID 400506 - High DPI: F_Align's bounding box outline is thinner and smaller than in older versions of Nuke.

• ID 400505 - High DPI: CornerPin's bounding box outline is thinner and smaller than in older versions of Nuke.

• ID 400504 - High DPI: AdjustBBox's bounding box outline is thinner and smaller than in older versions of Nuke.

• ID 400497 - High DPI: Crop's bounding box outline is thinner and smaller than in older versions of Nuke.

• ID 400476 - High DPI: C_Tracker's points are thinner than in older versions of Nuke.

• ID 400465 - High DPI: C_CameraSolver's outline and points are thinner than in older versions of Nuke.

• ID 400445 - High DPI: F_WireRemoval's controls are smaller and the icon is different to older versions of Nuke.

• ID 400389 - High DPI: The F_Steadiness node controls are thinner than in older versions of Nuke.

• ID 400387 - High DPI: F_RigRemoval's controls are smaller and the default removal area is more square than in older versions of Nuke.

• ID 400268 - High DPI: F_Align's controls and outlines are smaller and thinner than in older versions of Nuke.

• ID 400232 - High DPI: CameraTracker's thumbnails bar is not scaled to fit the width of Viewer.

• ID 400101 - High DPI: The Sparkles node bounding box outline is thinner and smaller than in older versions of Nuke.

• ID 399741 - Monitor Output: Opening a project set to 4K output and immediately enabling monitor output through an AJA Kona 4 card displays garbage on the monitor.
As a workaround, switch to another format or send a different image to the monitor to correct the image.

• ID 399232 - Python: Declaring TimeBase(None) causes Nuke to crash.

• ID 399228 - High DPI: Moving Hiero between monitors with different scaling ratios causes GLWidgets to draw incorrectly.

• ID 398978 - GridWarpTracker: Selecting grids Pythonically does not update the node Properties correctly.

• ID 398880 - High DPI: Changing scaling of 4K monitor while in full-screen mode doesn't close the full-screen window when exiting the mode, causing Nuke Studio to become unresponsive.

• ID 398862 - High DPI: Changing the scaling on an SDI monitor causes controls to disappear.

• ID 398213 - macOS only: Dragging the interface to or from a Retina display to a second screen causes the Node Graph to flicker.

• ID 397516 - DNxHR: Certain .mov file transfer_function metadata in Nuke does not match when compared to nclc atom.

• ID 394789 - macOS only: The boundaries of the Properties panel flicker when scrolling up and down through the controls.

• ID 394720 - macOS only: Exiting Fullscreen mode causes the Viewer to lose focus.

• ID 394480 - SonySDK: Comps exported from Nuke Studio including disabled .mxf shots produce Read nodes with no MXF options in the Properties panel.

• ID 394286 - Audio is incorrectly cut off for certain shots referencing .mp4 files.

• ID 394019 - macOS only: Enabling Fullscreen mode changes the depth of floating windows, resulting in some windows being obscured.

• ID 393373 - GridWarpTracker: Dragging multiple grid vertices and holding Shift does not snap points to the grid.

• ID 393052 - macOS only: Tooltips occasionally don't display correctly.

• ID 392143 - GridWarpTracker: Moving keyframes created by auto-key in the Curve Editor or Dope Sheet adds another keyframe at the current frame.

• ID 392127 - GridWarpTracker: The magnifying window displayed over grid vertices during mouse-over changes position if you press Ctrl/Cmd.

• ID 390551 - GridWarpTracker: Enabling Invert stops the preview working as expected.

• ID 389356 - GridWarpTracker: Attempting to use GridWarpTracker in vanilla Nuke only displays a license error once.

• ID 388836 - GridWarpTracker: Toggling grid visibility does not affect the transform widget.

• ID 388835 - Timeline Playback: Enabling Monitor Output can cause the Viewer to drop frames during playback with Blackmagic Decklink 4K Extreme cards.

• ID 388455 - High DPI: Hovering down list in menu is leaving orange highlight outlines around items.

• ID 386719 - Windows only: AJA Kona 4 12-bit dual link 1080p50a, 1080p59.94a, and 1080p60a output is incorrect.

• ID 386517 - Timeline Playback: Clicking the skip to start button and clearing the playback cache simultaneously causes Nuke Studio to crash.

• ID 383542 - GridWarpTracker: Adding a NoOp downstream of a GridWarpTracker with linked knobs occasionally causes Nuke to crash.

Developer Notes

Here are the changes relevant to developers. See Help > Documentation from the Nuke menu bar or for more information.

As Nuke develops, we sometimes have to make changes to the application programming interface (API) and application binary interface (ABI) under the hood. We try to keep these changes to a minimum and only for certain releases, but from time to time API and ABI compatibility is not guaranteed. See the following table for the situations when you may have to recompile your plug-ins and/or make changes to the source code.

Release Type






11.2v1 to 11.2v2





11.1v1 to 11.2v1




11.0v1 to 12.0v1


Additionally, node Class() names occasionally change between major releases. While these changes do not affect legacy scripts, you may not get the results you were expecting if a node class has been modified. The file, used to create Nuke's node toolbar, contains all the current node class names and is located in <install_directory>/plugins/nukescripts/ for reference.

As an example, between Nuke 9 and Nuke 10, the CameraShake node Class() changed from CameraShake2 to CameraShake3. In the file for the two releases, the entries for the CameraShake node appear as follows:

m.addCommand("CameraShake", "nuke.createNode(\"CameraShake2\")", icon="CameraShake.png")
m.addCommand("CameraShake", "nuke.createNode(\"CameraShake3\")", icon="CameraShake.png")

New Features

• ID 393974 - Python: A new method, Node.parent(), has been added to return a GroupNode Python object for the current parent Group.

Feature Enhancements

There are no feature enhancements in this release.

Bug Fixes

There are no bug fixes in this release.