Renaming Shots on the Timeline

Once you’ve conformed your edit, you may want to rename shots on the timeline sequentially for clarity.

To rename shots:

1.   Select the shots to rename using the timeline or spreadsheet view.
2.   Right-click on the timeline and select Editorial > Rename Shots.

Tip:  You can also navigate to Timeline > Rename Shots or use the Alt+Shift+/ keyboard shortcut.

The Rename Shots dialog displays.

3.   Select the rename type from the dropdown:

Simple Rename - all shots are replaced by the New Name specified.

Find and Replace - a simple find and replace shot name. All selected shots containing the specified Find pattern are substituted with the Replace pattern.

Sequential Rename - rename shots sequentially using the Pattern, Start #, and Increment fields.

Match Sequence - allows you to select a sequence to copy shot names from, providing that they use the same shots. For example, renaming shots on a 30 second timeline to mirror the shot names from a 60 second timeline.

Note:  You can only use sequences that reside in the same project and shots that have overlapping frame ranges.

Clip Name - all shot names are replaced by the name of the source clip they reference. This option can be used to revert previous rename operations.

Change Case - the case of all shot names is changed, as specified by the Case dropdown. For example, selecting Title Case capitalizes the first character of each word.

4.   Rename operations also accept token substitutions. The following tokens are recognized:


Resolves to


The name of the source clip referenced by the target shot.


The EDL event number associated with the target shot.


The file name of the shot's source.


The frame rate of the sequence containing the rename target.


The name of the sequence containing the rename target.


The name of the shot.


The name of the track containing the rename target.

5.   Enable Include Clips From Audio Tracks to rename audio shots as well as video shots.
6.   Click Rename.

The selected shots are renamed as specified.