Saving and Loading Projects
You can save your work in a project using the .hrox file extension. Projects can contain .nk scripts in the form of shots added by using Create Comp Clips during round-tripping. See Building VFX Tracks and Comp Clips for more information.
If you quit the application without saving, you’ll be prompted to save or discard your changes:
Click the required button or press D for Don’t Save or S to Save.
Note: If you have a .nk script open in the same session, a second prompt is displayed so you can save your script as well.
To save a project:
1. | Navigate to File > Save Project or Save Project As... |
Use the Ctrl/Cmd+S or Shift+Ctrl/Cmd+S keyboard shortcuts respectively.
The Save Project dialog box displays.
2. | Browse to the save location and enter a name for the project. |
3. | Click Save. |
Your project is saved to the location specified and appends the .hrox file extension automatically.
To load a project:
1. | Navigate to File > Open Project. |
Tip: If you need to open a project that you worked on recently, you can select Open Recent Project to quickly locate your work.
Use the Ctrl/Cmd+O keyboard shortcut.
The Open Project dialog box displays.
2. | Browse to the file location and click Open. |
Your project opens and populates the necessary panel automatically.