Feature Comparison

Designed to work hand-in-hand in different scenarios, Hiero and HieroPlayer share a number of features, but as the hub, Hiero has a richer feature set than HieroPlayer.




Review and Playback - Robust playback & review engine for post production

Multi-track timeline viewing and editorial workspace, including industry standard tools

Nuke equivalent format support including OpenColorIO management

Multi-channel audio import and playback

Extensive review toolset including A/B compare, masks, and color picker

Realtime image scopes including histogram, waveform, and vector

Media localization and caching

Standard jog and shuttle controls

Track Blending for merging of tracks on the timeline

Annotations in the Viewer and exports for reviewing work in collaborative projects

Broadcast Monitor support


Editing - Standard tools and layouts for editorial.

Modal editorial tools including equivalent keyboard hotkey interface

Source/record 2-up Viewer workspace and 3-point editing

Conform - Simple and flexible ingest of cuts from editorial.

Conform multi-track timelines from CMX 3600 Edit Decision Lists (EDLs), OTIO, Final Cut Pro XML, and AAFs including cuts, transitions and retimes


Session-wide spreadsheet containing all sequence events


Shot Management and Export - Manage, distribute and ingest media with ease

Export sequences, timeline shot structures, clip hierarchies, and EDL/OTIO/XMLs


Soft Effects directly on the timeline, such as Crop, LUT, and Transform.


Transcode, copy, and soft link media


Create template Nuke scripts for easy distribution of work


Automatically update VFX shots in context

Version shots and snapshot timelines for review and editing

Hierarchical project and element library management

Tag shots, frames, and sequences for easy filtering of content including custom metadata

Open and Scriptable Playback Framework - Flexible enough to fit any pipeline

Extensive Python API to accomplish most tasks through Python scripting that you can with the Hiero and HieroPlayer user interfaces

Integrated Pyside enabling fine-grained customization of interface tasks