Release Notes for Nuke and Hiero 16.0v1
Release Date
27 February 2025
New Features
We have developed a native variable-enabled workflow that supports Multishot compositing, adding ways to make workflows more efficient, reliable and scalable.
Graph Scope Variables
Graph Scope Variables (GSVs) are the backbone that enables a native Multishot compositing workflow in Nuke. GSVs allow you to define, store and access the data required for multiple contexts or scopes in a single Nuke script.
The workflow, however, becomes more powerful when combined with Group nodes. A Group node defines the “Scope” part of the Graph Scope Variables feature and introduces the ability to inherit and override variables.
Variable Nodes
We have added a new VariableSwitch node, to allow users to switch between different shots or scopes using variables. The new VariableSwitch node works similarly to the Switch node but enables you to create “split and join” workflows based on the variables set for your Multishot workflow.
We have also added a new VariableGroup node, to allow users to define variables or scopes. This works similarly to the regular Group node, but for every new VariableGroup created, a corresponding VariableGroup item is created in the Variables tab in the Project Settings. Inside the VariableGroup node, the Variables tab contains a single GsvKnob, which allows the user to create, edit and remove variables and variable sets.
Variables Panel
To easily interact with the available Variables in a script, we have added a Variables Panel.
To be able to switch between the different values, first set the Variables you wish to expose in the Variables tab in the Project Settings. Once the visibility is On (eye icon in the Variables tab) the Variable will appear in the Variable Panel.
GSV in LiveGroups
LiveGroups now allow the user to define local variables on the LiveGroup itself, much like the VariableGroup. On publish these variables are written into the LiveGroup .nk script and will be loaded as local variables for LiveGroup instances which use that same .nk script.
GSV Command Line Render
- We have extended the command line interface to include support for specifying Graph Scope Variables so that scripts can be rendered using the correct shot context as shown below:
./Nuke16.0 --var <variable1>:<value1> -F <framerange> -X Write1 <path_to_your_nuke_script>
If you wish to specify multiple Variables, you can do this using a “,” separated list as shown below:
./Nuke16.0 --var <variable1>:<value1>,<variable2>:<value2> -F <framerange> -X Write1 <path_to_your_nuke_script>
As a sequence example you could use variables like the one below in your Write nodes:
And render using the next command line:
./Nuke16.0 --var seq:seq030,shot:Sh100 -F 1101-1105 -X Write1 <path_to_your_nuke_script>
The new Group View feature gives artists a convenient way to see inside and edit the contents of multiple Group nodes, without having to jump to different tabs, making it faster and easier to adjust your comp in multiple different groups at the same time.
Group nodes are also an integral part of the new multishot and Graph Scope Variables feature, providing a way to organise and manage multiple scopes, so being able to see inside those Groups from the main DAG is really useful in those workflows.
Link Nodes
We've introduced a brand new type of node: Link Nodes. Link nodes allow you to make a linked copy of a node, and have changes updated in both nodes, whilst optionally being able to override any of the knobs. UI indications show which knobs are overridden from the original node, and there's a link arrow between the nodes to show the original node and the new linked nodes.
Roto Performance
- We have made significant improvements to Roto's performance, targeting specific key workflow pain points: Caching, Playback, Interactivity, and Motion Blur.
Quick Export
A new way to perform compressed video file exports of sequences in Nuke Studio and Hiero.
Based on Nuke Studio's real time playback engine, the new render engine enables you to perform accelerated exports to ProRes, DNxHD, DNxHR, as well as H264 movies with an average 12 fold increase in performance relative to the existing export mechanism. This means you are likely to see multi-real time performance in most cases, depending on your source and destination formats.
Multichannel Soft Effects
Introducing Multichannel Soft Effects in Hiero and Nuke Studio.
Multilayer EXRs are now visible and can be modified within the timeline.
Streamline workflows:
- VFX Supervisors can provide more accurate, sophisticated feedback by crafting sample frames without leaving the timeline, and then save as Nuke nodes.
- VFX Editors can now do layer transformations in the timeline, which means less time wasted on slapcomps and more efficient script-building.
Use channels creatively:
- Mask a color soft effect via a non-rgba layer such as depth or mattes
- Adjust non-RGB Channels (e.g. Blur a lighting pass) then apply as a creative effect on RGB.
Send to Nuke as Creative Intent:
- Optimised for multipart EXR, this new feature provides seamless integration between the timeline and the nodegraph.
- New and existing nodes can now be applied to or masked by specified layers, such as AOVs.
Contact Sheet
The Contact Sheet feature in Nuke Studio & Hiero offers a new way to review and compare shots in the editorial timeline environment.
Like its counterpart in Nuke Flowgraph, this new type of Contact Sheet allows the user to quickly load multiple shots, but from a sequence, for artistic, comparison and review purposes.
Contact Sheet in Nuke Studio & Hiero is designed to offer a fluid and dynamic user experience. In this initial release we have focussed on bringing the essentials to be able to add and filter shots in the viewport
Current Contact Sheet feature highlights:- New multi shot capable viewport
- User defined shot order selection to populate Contact Sheet
- Tag Filtering shot selection *
- Dynamic Soft FX preview in Contact Sheet * Not available in Hiero Player, Nuke Indie and Nuke Non Commercial
BlinkScript Editor Updates
The built in BlinkScript editor has been updated to support common IDE functionality. Making the day-to-day creation of BlinkScript effects in Nuke, seamless and intuitive for both new and existing users.
The following behaviours have been added:
- Find and Replace
- A new Tab Menu provides both autofill suggestions and context specific documentation for Blink language information
- Improvements to the Error messaging mean that cyclable error messages can now be viewed in the in editor Error Accordion
- Text and type behaviours like autoindent, indent guides and bracket autoclose behaviours have been added to make writing code more intuitive.
Library Files
The addition of Library Files allows users to share common functions and code snippets across multiple kernels and projects. Previously the same functions would need to be rewritten for every single kernel, wasting effort and introducing possible errors in the process. With Library Files, these common functions or libraries can be reused and centrally updated across a studio's blink effects. This means that common classes only need to be written once, and you can now add your own inbuilt functions.
Safety Rails
BlinkScripts are a powerful tool, and the editor gives you the complete control to make and break things. The introduction of Safety Rails makes it simpler to catch problems when prototyping new BlinkScripts and makes it less dramatic when mistakes happen. Combined with the addition of the println() function you are now also able to troubleshoot out-of-bounds pixel accesses. Information and any errors this might catch are now logged directly in the terminal.
ScanlineRender2 - Motion blur and AOV output improvements
ScanlineRender2 has been progressing significantly as we have been building the new 3D system. With this release we have focused on giving artists greater control over how they render out of Nuke, with new workflows around motion blur, aov outputs and much more.
We have also started the building blocks for ray tracing, with ScanlineRender2 now being a ray traced architecture by default and controls for the ray depth bounce available. Please note though that this work is still ongoing as shader support for lights and materials will need to be fully implemented to support rendering your imported stages.
This ray traced architecture is targeting for compositors needs, so shouldn't be thought of as a replacement to large scale scene renders. Instead this is all about expanding a compositors toolset to get render passes they need at a late stage in production and allow them to create more complex renders from Nuke when adding in composited elements.
Core node improvements
With the new 3D system continuing its development journey we wanted to take some time to make sure the nodes you work use most frequently were being updated based on user feedback and to introduce some new features and workflows with them.
Within this first batch of core node improvements we have updates to the GeoCard, GeoCube, GeoSphere and GeoCylinder nodes which improve UI layout, tooltips, path defaults and more. The GeoTransform node sees an updated UI for commonly used masking and an updated snap menu that allows you to snap to vertex points just like you always could, but also introduces new workflows that allow you to snap to a prims bounding box, which is useful when you want to quickly bring your transform jack set at the origin to a prim elsewhere in your scene.
The GeoMerge and GeoScene node, have the A pipe appearing by default now which means you can drag these nodes into pipes and have them connect irrespective of if it's connecting to a B or A input (previously would only connect to a B pipe) and a new option called 'Isolate Prims From' makes merging isolated or pruned pipes more intuitive, where you see the result of both pruned pipes combined, unlike the Deisolate workflow which allows you to work on isolated prims, but when merging will reactivate the entire stage.
All geo modifier nodes have had their defaults set to 'All' rather than lastModified. This change as many others is thanks to user feedback and now when using the new nodes the behaviour will be more akin to the classic system and changing node graph topology won't be prone to changing the output of the script as could happen with LastModified as the default. A note to artists though, with All being the default please be mindful of what you are going to modify if working in large stages.
USD Version 24.05
Each release we are dedicated to providing users an up to date version of USD, so for this release we have also updated to USD version 24.05, giving access to all the bug fixes and features included in this version.
GeoXformPrim node
We have introduced a new GeoXformPrim node, with the ability to switch between Create and Edit modes, so that you can now create xforms inside your scene graph for better scene graph management and the ability to edit pre-existing ones.
GeoConstrain node
We have introduced a new GeoConstrain node, to give artists the ability to constrain one prim to another via multiple different constrain types, such as LookAt, Transformation and Parent. Artists can also offset this constraint in space and time, allowing for even greater control.
VFX Reference Platform CY2024
Ensure your pipeline runs smoothly with Nuke 16.0's full support for VFX Reference Platform 2024, bringing full compatibility and seamless integration with the rest of your updated software packages.
On macOS, Nuke is no longer using Apple's system OpenGL library and instead is using Foundry's alternative, FoundryGL. The reason for this change is that Apple has deprecated OpenGL and may remove it in future macOS versions.
While this change should have no impact for users per se, some external dependencies, such as third party plugins and user-provided libraries, may need to be modified and/or rebuilt.
Documentation for FoundryGL is provided in Appendix A of the NDK Dev Guide.
NOTE: Windows and Linux versions will continue to use the system OpenGL and are unaffected by FoundryGL.
In 16.0 we continue improving Nuke’s OpenAssetIO integration to support larger, more flexible pipelines. This release includes updates to the OpenAssetIO libraries and OpenAssetIO-MediaCreation, adding support for C++ and hybrid Python/C++ manager plugins, allowing hot code paths (such as resolve) to be written in fast C++, whilst the remainder of a plugin is written in Python.
OpenAssetIO library updates:
- openassetio V1.0.0-rc.1.0
- openassetio-mediacreation V1.0.0-alpha.10
Feature Enhancements
ID 165214 - Added animated snapping to Snap Menu and Python API to get vertex positions from arbitrary number of frames.
ID 424269 - Added the ability to snap geo to animated geometry using the snapping menu
ID 513388 - GeoSphere and GeoCylinder no provide the ability to create half spheres and half cylinders
ID 514422 - 'mat' input is automatically connected if a Geo node is created downstream
ID 566219 - Create missing Xform parents automatically with the 'Create Missing Parents' knob
ID 566223 - Can now animate GeoSource node's Visibility Knob from the UI.
ID 566225 - Geo node main pipe and mat input pipes positions updated
ID 568095 - Reorganised knobs for the Geocard UI.
ID 568096 - Reorganised knobs for the Geocube UI.
ID 568098 - Added tooltips for Geocard knobs.
ID 568099 - Added tooltips for Geocube knobs.
ID 568100 - Tooltips have been added for each knob for the nodes GeoSphere/GeoCylinder/GeoRevolve
ID 568101 - Removed old lens distortion section from the lens distortion tab of Geocard.
ID 568102 - New dropdown knob for quick mask selection options on geo modifier nodes
ID 576936 - 'All Included Children' and 'Default Prim' Mask options removed from Mask knob
ID 576938 - New Select Path Mask knob added to geo modifier nodes
ID 576939 - GeoTransform applies the transformation to the top most Xform prims when "All Roots" is selected.
ID 578319 - GeoMerge now defaults to having both the A and B pipe by default to allow for consistent connection behaviour to 2D merge nodes
API/SDK Changes
ID 576560 - The two argument (frame, view) OutputContext class constructor is being deprecated, and its use is now strongly discouraged. The construction of OutputContext objects must require careful construction especially if the object is used for comparison, that has to consider proxy information, frame, view and the recently added Graph Scope. Badly initialized OutputContext objects can cause undefined behaviour in nuke depending on how and where there are used.
The previous default constructor has been updated to initialize the GraphScopePtr member to nullptr. It's advised to not use this constructor. A copy constructor from a Nuke provided OutputContext is preferred to ensure correct proxy and Graph Scope initialisation.
- ID 232446 - Add println logging function to aid debugging
- ID 589446 - We've added a multichannel Nuke shot preset with optimized EXR settings to the default processor presets.
File Formats
- ID 577384 - FFmpeg library updated to version 6.1.1, improving stability and performance
ID 589542 - Foundry licensing now uses RLM 16 client. See Reprise Release Notes for full details.
Improved support for customers using cloud licensing who have enabled MAC address randomisation.
Improved host ID checks for cloud based licensing to prevent frequent license log outs when changing between networks.
Addresses issues some customers experienced acquiring a license when using Nuke in different locales.
Customer's with valid non-commercial licenses were unable to open Nuke due to a licensing error.
Some macOS users were unable to determine the host ID.
RLM license consumption was incorrect if multiple hosts on the network shared the same host name.
Machine Learning
- ID 561262 - Cat file format extended to support models larger that 2Gb
ID 587935 - Support has been added for OpenFX OfxDrawSuiteV1
ID 588795 - Support for OpenFX has been updated to OpenFX 1.5.
Multichannel Soft Effects
ID 567672 - Hard-selected track items now display color dashes to indicate which channels are present.
ID 575489 - The Inference Soft Effect in the timeline is now multichannel aware.
ID 575534 - Soft Effects show a visual indication when they are using a mask.
ID 575563 - Any layer can be used as a mask for a Text Soft Effect.
ID 577343 - Blinkscript Soft Effect works with multiple layers.
ID 578290 - Users can create new layers in the timeline, which become available in the viewer and in downstream soft effects.
- ID 588354 - Python can be used to change the display layer style in the Viewer
Rocky 9
- ID 577892 - On Linux plugins are now loaded with the RTLD_DEEPBIND flag by default. This means symbol conflicts with Nuke will generally be avoided. Deep bind can be disabled for all plugins by setting the NUKE_PLUGIN_NO_DEEPBIND_LIST environment variable to all. Deep bind can be selectively disabled by setting NUKE_PLUGIN_NO_DEEPBIND_LIST to a colon separated list of plugin filenames (either the filename, or the full path to the plugin).
- ID 579039 - You can now set In and Out points with "U" and "Shift+U" while the Viewer is active.
Soft Effects/Transitions
ID 148535 - Color Soft Effects have a channel dropdown
ID 569813 - There is a new Hue Correct soft effect.
ID 575293 - Lens Distortion affects all layers.
ID 575528 - Soft Effects can premult and unpremult using any layer.
ID 575564 - There is a new Soft Effect in the timeline: FilterErode. It runs on Blink, which means it is faster to process. It has a corresponding node in the nodegraph called BlinkFilterErode.
ID 587516 - The Soft Effects sub-menu has been changed to be better aligned with the nodegraph, and to be easier to read:
- We have renamed "Transformations" to "Transform"
- We have included the favorite Soft Effects inside their sub-menus (Transform inside "Transform" and Grade and ColorCorrect inside "Color")
- We have added a subfolder inside "Color" for the OCIO Soft Effects
Sync Review
- ID 483804 - Sync Review sessions automatically sync the UI color of clips
ID 156703 - Add Hiero/Player/Studio Viewer mirroring options (horizontal/vertical mirror)
ID 560171 - A Preference has been added under the Panels > Timeline section that allows a user to choose whether Timeline Auto selector is active or deactivated.
Further than this an application startup environment variable is now available.
VFX Reference Platform CY2024
ID 565696 - Python has been updated to 3.11.
ID 565697 - Qt and PySide have been updated to version 6.5. There are significant changes in Qt 6 for both Python and C++ developers, developers should consult the "Porting to Qt 6" guide in the Qt documentation, and the "Porting Applications from PySide2 to PySide6" guide in the PySide documentation for details and advice on how to migrate.
ID 565700 - OpenEXR has been updated to version 3.2
ID 565702 - OpenSubdiv has been updated to version 3.6
ID 565704 - OpenVDB has been updated to version 11
ID 565705 - OpenColorIO has been updated to version 2.3
ID 565706 - Boost has been updated to version 1.82
Bug Fixes
ID 568413 - GeoCard now only adds time samples as necessary.
ID 571981 - Geo nodes now pass their material input to group nodes
ID 572297 - Error messages no longer display at the top of the 3D viewer if you are viewing a node network which does not contain the erring node
ID 574010 - GeoUVProject cylindrical and spherical projections align correctly
ID 577351 - Nuke does not crash when selecting vertices or faces in classic 3D system geometry imported from USD files containing empty meshes or point clouds.
ID 579263 - Textures are updating in the viewer
ID 586675 - The 3d materials knob on the Viewer Node correctly affects materials
ID 588175 - GeoImport: Changing frame range while path in erred state no longer crashes Nuke
- ID 470064 - Accessing pixels outside of the bounding box, via BlinkScript, causes a segmentation fault. Out-of-bounds pixel accesses can now be debugged with the safety rails option in the BlinkScript node.
Contact Sheet
ID 593624 - Clip layout is off after changing Contact Sheet Resolution
ID 594124 - Adding items to a Contact Sheet Model while the Contact Sheet Viewer panel isn't open won't show those items via the Python API till new items are added with the Contact Sheet Viewer panel is open
ID 594154 - Enabling tag filtering does not clear Pick Mode selections
ID 594221 - Crash when using Multi-playheads
ID 594251 - Crash when deleting a whole track of track items
ID 594258 - (Pick Mode) Deleting tracks does not rearrange the items in the Contact Sheet Viewer
- ID 575168 - A number of nukescripts modules are missing links to their respective pages in Nuke's Python documentation
ID 479281 - Fixed: Hiero/Nuke Studio now import the clip's version number when defined in the preset/structure when building a track, depending on the 'Use Latest Version' checkbox.
ID 592552 - Create Comp with custom preset resolutions no longer crashes Nuke Indie.
File Import
- ID 588155 - The YCbCr Matrix knob does not have any effect when Reading certain MOV codecs
Machine Learning
ID 586046 - Upscale: When using python to automate rendering with upscale, it complains that "No Cat file is selected".
ID 586051 - Inference: when infering certain custom .cat files (e.g. RealESRGAN) there will be no output image and an error in the viewer/terminal saying "Failed to copy output tensor to images".
ID 586053 - Upscale: Tiling is disabled
ID 586054 - Inference: when inferring on a non-existing or incorrect .cat file the error message is wrong
ID 586757 - Inference: Hitting out of memory on compute device error doesn't print in the terminal
ID 155393 - Windows does not recognise Foundry as a "Known Publisher"
ID 588299 - Invalid character errors no longer flood the terminal
Node Graph
ID 238724 - Fixed: Postage stamp is not updated to match the current frame on Groups and Gizmos
ID 587631 - Files dropped into the Node Graph are placed where the user last clicked, not where the file was dropped
ID 590650 - Tracks/Plane appearing worse on a couple of shots compared to older builds
ID 590741 - Occlusion behaves differently depending on segment size
ID 590842 - Planar Tracker no longer shows a pop-up message when the tracked item is no longer detected in the viewer.
ID 591727 - Executing planar track via Python doesn't crash.
ID 591864 - Enabling 'Adjust for luminance changes' knob crashes nuke
- ID 581447 - Unable to select soft effect with Soft effect selector whilst active playhead is present on current shot
ID 588321 - Nuke's UI behaves incorrectly when using UI Scaling with multiple High DPI monitors
ID 594518 - Knob values remain highlighted when deselecting them
ID 579394 - The pxr module fails to import * due to missing UsdAbc module in Nuke
ID 588822 - Retrieving a std::string from usg::Value no longer crashes when using a custom USD version.
ID 593355 - Nuke wouldn't start up if there was a permissions issue accessing .fnUsdShim.
VFX Reference Platform CY2024
- ID 594459 - Crash when opening a comp whilst floating monitor window is active
ID 583282 - Dragging with Transform handles in the Viewer can set Scale values to NaN
ID 594703 - Clicking in the Viewer and/or DAG does not switch focus (Linux)
Known Issues
ID 569363 - TimeOffset and Frameholds no longer affect prims that have been deactivated via GeoPrune
ID 575077 - ScanlineRender2 overscan error - error notification due to wrong knob name
ID 575330 - GeoCard 'Control Points' knob becomes unaligned when the type is changed from 'none'
ID 575713 - Axis: load all prims and payloads even if AxisOp importer is only loading a single prim
ID 576826 - Scanline render2 producing jagged edges in shadow
ID 577583 - Popup scenegraph to replace existing mask rather than appending
ID 579086 - Prim::setMetadataByDictKey(const Token&, const Token&, const Value&) method added
ID 579552 - GeoCard does not highlight when the node is selected
ID 579729 - Framehold not working when connected to the material input of GeoCard/GeoCube
ID 581736 - GeoXform in edit mode sets new nodes created under it as children of the modified node
ID 581737 - Switching GeoXform node from edit mode to create mode duplicates the node connected to it in the viewer
ID 582899 - ScanlineRender doesn't produce correct normals
ID 583116 - SLR2 not updating animated objects in windows OS
ID 583624 - Scenegraph overrides payloads load rules set in the node graph
ID 584419 - New snap menu pivot to bbox has unexpected results for some imported assets
ID 584677 - GeoPointsToMesh only handles default/vertex normals
ID 584735 - PoissonMesh and GeoPointsToMesh often hang
ID 584997 - Snap menu's pivot-to (orientation only) affects geometry if scale knobs are not all 1
ID 585615 - Matching expressions don't work with list based collections
ID 586470 - Hydra output on Intel Mac with Intel GPU has random colors and doesn't clear on redraw
ID 586966 - Translation issue for assets with z or x axis facing up in nuke
ID 587190 - Clipping plane disrupts geo in viewer when looking through camera
ID 587425 - Bleeding issues addressed in face mode selection
ID 587675 - Environment Lights Displaying upside down in the Hydra Viewer
ID 587677 - slr2 stripey Z depth output
ID 587941 - GeoConstrain Local Matrix has no effect if Specify Matrix is enabled
ID 588710 - GeoInstance transform doesn't animate
ID 589529 - Crash connecting an old camera or Axis to a GeoScene node
ID 590139 - GeoCard: should display the Rows/Columns when selected like the classic system
ID 590140 - GeoCard: doesn't always display materials with an alpha less then one
ID 590142 - GeoCard: double clicking GeoCard node should show the node as selected in the 3D viewer
ID 590890 - Animated snap takes a long time if there are a lot of nodes, even if they are not connected
ID 591495 - Consistent camera defaults for nuke cam, usd cam, viewer generated cam
ID 591633 - 2D Image information bar is still present in 3D viewer
ID 591859 - Frame object in viewer broken
ID 593942 - USD files dropped in to node graph default to ReadGeo node being used w/ the ReadGeo node placed in wrong location in node graph
ID 594827 - GeoPoints mat input is not labelled and is in the wrong place
ID 584226 - When a bracket is off screen, and then scrolled to, it is not highlighted
ID 588560 - Special Characters break the indicator
ID 588764 - The Safety Rails feature of BlinkScripts for guarding against out-of-bounds access is not enabled on the GPUs of Intel Macs
ID 590444 - BlinkScript Editor draws off the edge of the screen when viewing large kernels
Contact Sheet
ID 589639 - Comparing sequences with different resolutions scales the images in the viewer relative to their respective resolutions
ID 590036 - Nuke crashes when Pick Mode is enabled in a Sync Session.
ID 590037 - When Contact Sheet is enabled before a Sync Review session is started, Nuke will crash
ID 590045 - Preview players no longer have a gap between them
ID 592114 - Clips disappear from the Contact Sheet if there are missing frames
ID 592510 - (Only MacOS) Show Annotations toggle causes MO device to show purple
ID 592550 - Monitor Out SDI and NDI not updating on Contact Sheet Viewer playback
ID 592786 - Moving a clip in the Timeline may un-highlight other clips in Pick Mode
ID 593392 - Undoing dropping clip into empty sequence will toggle the Contact Sheet button ON.
ID 593597 - Player Cache bar does not get drawn correctly in Contact Sheet viewer
ID 593671 - Studio is beach-balling when returning from background
ID 593854 - Closing and Opening an Soft-effect in the properties bin changes the Contact Sheet current frame
ID 593986 - EXRs with missing layers doesn't display a border
ID 594210 - Shift - H Toggle Tag Filtering Hotkeys only works once in the TimelineView
ID 594326 - Changing pages removes In and Out points for the Contact Sheet Viewer
ID 594350 - Changing the Row/Col on the last page doesn't update correctly
ID 594389 - Setting Tag Filtering via the python while the Contact Sheet Viewer isn't open won't display clips after creating a Contact Sheet Viewer
ID 594564 - When a Contact Sheet Viewer is open some scopes become locked
- ID 594582 - Preferences > Docs > documentation source is pointing to 'local' when set to 'foundry'
- ID 589757 - FrameServer errors that are thrown before a render starts are shown in the terminal running the Nuke process, but they don't appear in the Background Renders panel's logs tab.
File Import
- ID 588371 - Loading files into new builds fails when having env variable set for FileIO
Link Nodes
- ID 591095 - Primatte's colour picker shares data between linked nodes with enabled override
ID 585808 - UI line width is limited to 16 pixels (macOS)
ID 587863 - Nuke viewer capped at 60 fps (macOS)
ID 594658 - Terminal error spits out error "Zink: Failed to get IOSurface"
ID 594761 - Launching Nuke from the GUI icons will crash upon start-up on some Macs
- ID 587583 - (Windows) Crash using older AMD drivers. Crash with 31.0.12027.9001 on a Radeon Pro WX 7100. No crash with 31.0.21916.1002 and 31.0.21018.6011 on a Radeon Pro WX 7100, and 32.0.11027.1003 on a AMD Radeon RX6700 XT.
Monitor Out
ID 586498 - Scaling floating window stretches and squeezes the image while being resized (Windows)
ID 593376 - Monitor Out window introduces unremovable unnecessary grey space if resized horizontally
ID 594057 - Small blank MO Floating Window may appear when using VR
ID 594679 - Floating Window does not have a minimum size
Multichannel Soft Effects
ID 576380 - Bin items show RGB channel indicator, even if they are not present.
ID 582547 - Adjusting the mask knob during playback does not result in a correct mask
ID 572587 - non-group nodes root item shows as unnamed
ID 577486 - Middle click changes the hit group
ID 584182 - Selecting a list option on an inherited variable will change the variable type to string
ID 584377 - The height of the Label input box is larger than elsewhere (see the same widget for editing user knobs to the right)
ID 587036 - Disabled GSV knob is not scrollable
ID 587222 - Double-clicking a root variable's visibility on VariableGroup inherited variable will break the connection [UI]
ID 587589 - Cutting (CMD+X) a linked node, then cloning the parent and then pasting creates a cloned link
ID 587593 - Copy/Cut with nothing selected results in : 'Cannot copy/cut across multiple groups' error
ID 588192 - GeoImport Gsv file knob is not working as expected passing string vars
ID 589109 - Nodes in an input tree of a var group should see the variables defined by it
ID 589692 - When creating a new variable or folder, the new entry is difficult to see
ID 589706 - Updating variables using python does not update value until user clicks on the Variable panel
ID 590072 - Grouping a group with a child link node breaks link
ID 590243 - Variable Switch - Thumbnails will error temporarily before resolving with networked files
ID 591907 - Typo in Create Variant popup
ID 591987 - Variant switches when trying to adjust value of overridden knob for a first time
ID 592891 - Nuke will not recognize blank GSV on file paths
ID 593786 - LiveGroup Group View will extend to Infinity & Beyond without Output node
ID 593887 - Unnamed (default) GSV set not found for nested group path (python only)
- ID 591134 - HTML/ UTF-8 character sets in the text node no longer work
Node Graph
- ID 595321 - (MacOS Only) Postage Stamp image gets premults if macOS HDR is enabled
ID 580110 - Knob values inherited from an asset are no longer highlighted after undoing a user change
ID 586349 - Knob values don't update on restart or clear caches
ID 586454 - Terminal warnings if OPENASSETIO_DEFAULT_CONFIG is set
ID 595480 - Dope Sheet and Curve Editor A and F hotkeys to Frame keyframes only works once
Quick Export
ID 589137 - Exporting shot directly from timeline will show both Quick and Custom export tabs.
ID 590316 - Incorrect pixel aspect ratio when exporting to PAL / NTSC
ID 591048 - Ranges is unavailable and will default to whole Sequence
ID 591049 - Include Annotations is unavailable
ID 591377 - Cancelling Quick Export is not deleting a file (Windows only)
ID 592312 - Quick export crashes if there is a offline media at the end
ID 593290 - Overwriting source file with Quick Export will crash nuke
ID 593293 - Crash when layer is chosen in viewer
ID 594590 - Encoders are flushed prematurely in the export process.
ID 595141 - Quick Export - crash when a rendering a section that has just audio at the end
Soft Effects/Transitions
ID 576576 - Transformations bounding box/handles grow when zooming out to less than 50%
ID 588360 - Additional keyframe no longer added for copied transform effects
ID 580026 - Active playhead selection prevents use of select track tool for other shots in the sequence
ID 580654 - Hard selecting an already soft-selected item with select or effect selector tool doesn't update the UI
ID 582613 - Shift + Dragging on an empty spot of the timeline causes the current soft selection to go into a hard selection
ID 590942 - When a shot has a number of soft effects, the user is unable to resize the thumbnail of a shot after re-opening a project
ID 593981 - Preview players appear empty before the images load
ID 594565 - Maximising a minimised Nuke window doesn't draw the DAG and Viewers in the Animation
ID 594802 - Moving main window resizes floating panes on Windows
VFX Reference Platform CY2024
ID 586456 - AVP renderer doesn't work in Nuke
ID 587691 - Moving mouse in and out of Curve Editor and Dope Sheet widgets causes the playheads to update - Timeline
ID 591019 - Nuke Graph sometimes on start-up is displayed as black
ID 593373 - Visual artifacts in the Viewer and DAG when changing panel/dock sizes
ID 580551 - Paused image has a 1px blur when zoomed in at around 180-220%
ID 594100 - Changing color channels using hotkeys between Node Graph Viewer and Timeline Viewer is broken
Qualified Operating Systems
- Nuke 15.0 and later support Apple's silicon hardware.
macOS Sonoma (14.x), or macOS Sequoia (15.x)
For more information on Foundry products and supported macOS versions, see Foundry Knowledge Base article
Q100592. -
Windows 10 (64-bit) or Windows 11 (64-bit)
Linux Rocky 9.0 (64-bit)
Nuke requires libnuma to run under Linux distributions, the library is required by the Nablet H264 Codec SDK.
The currently supported version of VFX Reference Platform includes library versions that are only compatible with Rocky 9.0.
Other operating systems may work, but have not been fully tested.
Requirements for Nuke's GPU Acceleration
If you want to enable Nuke to calculate certain nodes using the GPU, there are some additional requirements.
An NVIDIA GPU with graphics drivers capable of running CUDA 11.8, or above. A list of the compute capabilities of NVIDIA GPUs is available at
The compute capability is a property of the GPU hardware and can't be altered by a software update.
With graphics drivers capable of running CUDA 11.8, or above. On Windows and Linux, CUDA graphics drivers are bundled with the regular drivers for your NVIDIA GPU. Driver versions 522.06 (Windows) and 520.61.05 (Linux), or above are required. See for more information on compatible drivers.
We recommend using the latest graphics drivers, where possible, regardless of operating system.
Bitwise equality between GPU and CPU holds in most cases, but for some operations there are limitations to the accuracy possible with this configuration.
On Windows and Linux, an AMD GPU from the following list:
Other AMD GPUs may work, but have not been fully tested.
- AMD Radeon PRO W7900
AMD Radeon PRO W6600
AMD Radeon PRO W6800
AMD Radeon Pro W5700
AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT
For information on the recommended driver for each GPU, see
On Mac, integrated AMD GPUs are supported on the following Intel CPU Macs:
- Any late 2013 Mac Pro onward (including 2019 Mac Pro),
- Mid-2015 MacBook Pros onward, and
- Late 2017 iMac Pros onward.
All supported Mac Pros include a multi-GPU support option, where applicable. Bitwise equality between GPU and CPU holds in most cases, but for some operations, there are limitations to the accuracy possible with this configuration.
Although AMD GPUs are enabled on other Mac models, they are not officially supported and used at your own risk.
Multi-GPU Processing
Nuke's GPU support includes an Enable multi-GPU support option. When enabled in the preferences, GPU processing is shared between the available GPUs for extra processing speed.
Multi-GPU processing is only available for identical GPUs in the same machine. For example, two NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080s or two AMD Radeon™ Pro WX 9100s.
GPU Requirements for the Machine Learning Toolset
Training using the CopyCat node requires an NVIDIA GPU, with compute capability 3.5 or above; or MacOS Apple silicon integrated GPUs.
If an appropriate GPU is not available, Inference and other machine learning plug-ins can run on the CPU with significantly degraded performance.
Developer Notes
As Nuke develops, we sometimes have to make changes to the API and ABI under the hood. We try to keep these changes to a minimum and only for certain releases, but from time to time API and ABI compatibility is not guaranteed. See the following table for the situations when you may have to recompile your plug-ins and/or make changes to the source code.
Release Type | Example | Compatibility | Recompile | Rewrite |
Version | 14.0v1 to 14.0v2 | API and ABI | ||
Point | 14.0v1 to 14.1v1 | API | ⬤ | |
Major | 14.0v1 to 15.0v1 | - | ⬤ | ⬤ |
Additionally, node Class() names occasionally change between major releases. While these changes do not affect legacy scripts, you may not get the results you were expecting if a node class has been modified. The file, used to create Nuke's node toolbar, contains all the current node class names and is located in <install_directory>/plugins/nukescripts/ for reference.
As an example, between Nuke 13 and Nuke 14, the Axis node Class() changed from Axis3 to Axis4. In the file for the two releases, the entries for the Axis node appear as follows:
tag=MenuItemTag.Beta, node="Axis4")