のリリースノートModo 12.2v1



15 November 2018



Mac OS 10.12.x, 10.13.x, and 10.14.x (64-bit only)

Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10 (64-bit only)

Linux 64-bit operating system (CentOS/RHEL 7+)


Intel processor(s), Core i3 or higher

1 GB available hard disk space (for Modo installation).

6 GB available hard disk space (for full content).

At least 4 GB RAM

Display with 1920 x 1080 pixel resolution

Internet connection for product activation and online videos access

The Advanced viewport mode requires an NVIDIA or AMD graphics card with at least 1 GB of graphics memory and drivers that support OpenGL 3.2 or higher.


注意:  This information is our best recommendation for the average user. Requirements vary by usage, and individual users may have different requirements from those listed here.

2.5+ GHz quad-core processor

250+ GB disk space available for caching and temporary files, SSD is preferable

16 GB RAM with additional virtual memory*

Display with 1920 x 1080 pixel resolution

An NVIDIA or AMD graphics card with the latest drivers

2+ GB of graphics memory

OpenGL 4.4 or higher support



NVIDIA: 411.63 or later*

AMD: 8.982.8.1 or later*

* NVIDIAまたはAMDのWebサイトから最新のドライバーバージョンをダウンロードすることをお勧めします


以下にリストされている構成は、Foundryがテストしたものです。 Modo 12.2v1。絶えず変化する性質と市場で入手可能なさまざまなコンピューターハードウェアのため、Foundryはハードウェアを正式に認定することができません。以下のリストは推奨事項として使用でき、特定のニーズを満たすことを保証するものではありません。

問題が発生した場合は、サポートポータルにアクセスしてください。 https://support.foundry.com



MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid-2015)

iMac (Late 2012)

Mac Pro (Late 2013)

MacBook Pro (Mid-2015)


XPS 15 9560

Precision 3520


HP Z800

HP Z640

HP Z600


AMD Ryzen Threadripper

Intel i7-4770k

Intel i7-7700k

Intel i7-8700

Xeon E3-1505M v6

Xeon E5504

Xeon 5620



AMD Prosumerグラフィックスカード

Radeon™ Vega RX

Radeon™ R9 M370X

Radeon™ Pro WX8200

Radeon™ Pro WX7100


FirePro™ D700

NVIDIA Prosumerグラフィックカード

GeForce 675MX

GeForce 970

GeForce 1050 (laptop)

GeForce GTX 1070 Ti (Linux)

GeForce 1080


Quadro® K620

Quadro® M620

Quadro® M4000




これで、 GroupsそしてそのChannelsビューポート。のChannelsビューポートは、 Graph Editor



Int Range Bounds

Int Range Clamp

Int Range Merge






Show Instance Connections - You can now view links from instances to their original objects. They are drawn with a dotted connector.

Show Connected Nodes - You can now isolate a nodal network based on the selection of a single node. With an item selected, all other nodes not connected to that node are hidden.

Elbow Node - This node helps you organize the Schematic by reducing the number of visible and crossing links.

Draw Linear Link Option - You can now choose to draw Schematic links as straight lines, which are easier to read in complex networks.

Comment Node - You can now leave comments in the Schematic using the Comment node.

Backdrop Node - Backdrops allow you to group nodes into a container that can be collapsed and moved around.

Organized Duplication - When you duplicate nodes, their layout is now preserved in the new nodes and they are selected ready to be placed in the Schematic. You can either duplicate a node with or without its connections.






Modo VRコンポーネントの選択と編集


ファイルI / O




Hybrid Strip Topology - Modo allows you to add skirt geometry to surface strips to allow greater control over topology around strip surfaces.

Fusion Instance Synchronization - You can now control Fusion Item instances. All or selected instances can by updated, and the source can be updated from an instance.

New Corner Geometry - The mesh algorithm has been improved so the topology generated at the corners of a Fusion Item is quad-based, resulting in a much smoother flow of polygons. This improves both positive and negative corners.

Surface Strip Command Tweaks - You can now quickly swap fusion states. Hold the Alt key to swap between Surface Strips' boolean states.





新しいDepth Limitationスナップにオプションが追加されました。このオプションを使用すると、スナップ範囲を指定した深さに制限できます。


新しいDelete Geometryオプションが追加されましたEdges to Curvesメッシュ操作。メッシュからすべての非曲線ジオメトリを削除できます。詳細については、 エッジからカーブ


新着Align to First SelectedScreen Axis 、およびAxis Vector XY 、およびZ線形整列ダイレクトモデリングツールにオプションが追加され、選択した頂点、エッジ、ポリゴン、またはUV位置を線に沿って整列できるようになりました。詳細については、 線形整列


新しいConvert UV to Mesh操作をUVマップをメッシュアイテムに手続き的に変換できる操作が追加されました。


新しい手続きCurve Convert選択したカーブを通常、ベジェ、またはBスプラインのいずれかのカーブタイプに変換するメッシュ操作が追加されました。




ハードエッジを手続き的に操作するために、新しいメッシュ操作が追加されました。彼らですHard EdgeHard Edge Convert 、およびSelect by Hard Edges




新しいポリゴンタイププロパティがMerge Meshesメッシュから抽出するポリゴンのタイプを指定するツール。


新しい手続きPack UVsメッシュ操作が追加され、UVアイランドデータを整理して目的のUV空間にフィットさせるプロセスが自動化されました。




新しい手続きSelect Ringジオメトリのグローブの周りの同じ選択方向にあるすべての頂点またはエッジを選択するためのメッシュ操作が追加されました。


新しい手続きUV Fitメッシュ操作が追加され、現在選択されているUVデータをスケーリングして、正規化された0〜1のUV空間を満たすようになりました。これは、UVを最適化するための非常に便利なツールです。


新しいUV Unwrapメッシュ操作が追加され、メッシュのUVマップを手続き的に作成できるようになりました。


新しい手続きVertex Set Positionメッシュ操作が追加され、新しい座標を指定することにより、既存の頂点を特定の位置に再配置できるようになりました。


新しいVertex Split操作が追加され、頂点を手続き的に複数の頂点に分割できるようになりました。


Modoを使用してステッチを追加および構築するための迅速かつ簡単なワークフローを提供しますStitch Mesh Setupコマンド。






Bounding Box Thresholdオプションが追加されましたOpenGL Display Preferences。これにより、ビューポートでシーンが回転、パン、またはズームされたときに、指定されたGLポリゴン数の上の境界ボックスとしてアイテムを描画できます。これにより、ビューポートでの遅延がなくなり、大きなシーンでの作業が容易になります。


クリップの選択とプリセットブラウザが改善され、より速く、視覚的に一貫性があり、ナビゲートしやすくなりました。Clip Choiceを使用する場合、サムネイルがDirキャッシュの一部として保存されるようになりました。


ワークベンチは、ツール、コマンド、スクリプト、プリセット、キット、チャネル、およびマクロをグループ化して整理できるUIの領域です。で任意のフォームを作成することもできますModo UIで直接編集できます。







UVの編集Transfer UV positionsオプションが改善されました。以前のバージョンでは、あるオブジェクトから別の同一のオブジェクトにUVを転送する場合、オブジェクトが連続していても、一度に転送できるのは1つのUVアイランドだけでした。これで、ツールは接続ポリゴンのすべてのUVを宛先に転送します。


新着GapsそしてGaps By Pixelオプションが追加されましたUV Box Transform直接モデリングツールを使用して、UVアイランドにピクセル境界のパディングを追加できます。UVビューポートのボックスハンドルを使用して、ギャップのサイズを操作できます。


NVIDIA® OptiXデノイザー

サポートされているシステムでレンダリング出力をノイズ除去するために、NVIDIAのOptiX Denoiserを使用できるようになりました(Windows NVIDIA GPUを実行するLinuxシステム)。



Modoサブディビジョンウェイトマップのウェイトが通常のウェイトマップと同じように表示されるようになりました。 Show Weightmapオプションは3Dビューポート設定で有効になります。


ロックされたメッシュアイテムを3Dビューポートで簡単に表示できるようになりました。デフォルトでは、新しい設定Show Locked Mesh Itemsオプションが有効になっています。メッシュアイテム上の選択された頂点、エッジ、またはポリゴンは、指定された色で表示されます。ループ選択または他の選択方法を使用する場合、ロックされた要素は選択されません。ロックされた要素の色の変更は、 Systems > Preferences > Display > Color > PSUB Mask設定。


•ID 311221 - UV Connectivity mode has been added to the UV Paste command.

•ID 341337 - Modeling: A Deform Space option has been added to Selection Action Center and Action Axis Selection.

•ID 346181 - UV: The Set Gaps by Pixel option has been added to have old gaps scope as an option. This fixes oddly positioned UVs.

•ID 355811 - Render: Modo's performance during sampling of an image in ray evaluation has been improved.The limit on the number of UV render outputs has been increased, limit checking has been added, and the UV output index is now reset to zero.

•ID 366043 - UI: The Animation Toolbar has been revised. The Spacing Chart and Inbetween buttons have been moved into the same row as the Dynamic Parenting and Motion Path buttons.

File I/O: -import, a command line argument for adding session-only config paths has been implemented. It takes a path, dir or config file, which is added as a new session-only import path in the config system. The path is not written to the config on quit, and directories are not created if they don't exist yet. This is used like any other import path, in that configs are loaded from it and scripts can be launched from it.

Preset Browser: ClipChoice has been converted to PBView and clips synthetic.

Procedurals: The EdgeToCurve command now takes a poly type arg, or guesses based on the underlying geometry type.

Scripting: The pure UI mode for user.value commands has been added, set through user.def uiMode, which supersedes the old asUI property, although that is still supported for backwards compatibility (uiMode takes precedence, if present). undoModel, undoUI and pureUI modes are supported.

UI: ?min/?max query operator support has been added to numeric edits via text hints and UI hints.

UI:Access to viewport options from tabbed viewports with their tabs hidden has been made easier. The Viewport Properties menu in a tabbed viewport now shows the settings for the current tab instead of being disabled. The Viewport Properties have been mapped to the O keyboard shortcut globally. This triggers the Viewport Properties menu for any viewport under the cursor.

UI: New Dynamics and Particles toolbars have been added to the layout.

UI: Icons and text labels on buttons have been shifted up one pixel (non-GL). This generally improves center of text and icons in faces.


•ID 221462 - Viewports: Selecting Material selection mode in the Advanced viewport caused the mesh to become white.

•ID 227428 - Shader Tree: Texture Replicators did not align to particles.

•ID 242741 - Item List: Creating groups caused the folder to jump to a random position if the items were not selected in a top-down sequence.

•ID 246494 - VR: Antialiasing/supersampling and drawing circular points did not work as expected.

•ID 273105 - Rigging: Adding pre/post transform commands added a transform for the selected transform and then another for the selected root item.

•ID 287965 - Presets: Using Preview in Sphere Preset mode only rendered using the selected material rather than the one at the top of the Shader Tree.

•ID 289613 - UI: Duplicating a form containing a reference didn't work correctly.

•ID 290832 File I/O: The Save Incremental action sometimes didn't use the correct file name.

•ID 293954 - Modeling: Adding another Falloff on top of a Soft Selection falloff in Topology mode caused the Move tool to become unresponsive.
The brush reset tool flags have been removed from the Soft Selection and Coplanar Falloff tools.

•ID 294389 Particles: The Density Gradient property in the Surface Particle Generator did not have any effect on the particle distribution.

•ID 295747 - Viewports: The Clearcoat Bump setting was ignored in the Advanced viewport.

•ID 304359 - File I/O: Certain irregular meshes caused Modo to crash upon loading.

•ID 304634 - Modeling: Applying Edge Bevel over boundary edges didn't work as expected.

•ID 310920 - Deformers: Using deformed instances produced visual 3D viewport glitches in certain camera perspectives.

•ID 313352 - UV: Locked polygons were ignored by the Pack UVs tool.

•ID 313910 - Procedurals: The Merge Meshes operation only partially imported UVs not at the top of the Mesh Operation list.

•ID 320292 - Procedurals: Connecting a Surface Particle Generator as a Clone Source caused Modo to crash.

•ID 330815 - Baking: Selecting a Texture Output in a Bake Item using RayGL Bake caused Modo to crash.

•ID 334413 - Presets: Dragging material masks into the Preset Browser didn't save the correct thumbnail for the preset.

•ID 335229 - Procedurals: The Detriangulate mesh operation didn't work with selected triangles.

•ID 341386 - Procedurals: The Curve Rebuild operation's Exact Distance option was not exact.

•ID 343437 - Procedurals: The Merge Meshes operation didn't connect to the Surface Particle Generator inputs.

•ID 344024 - Modeling: Using the Bevel tool along with the Thicken polygon option created unexpected polygons.

•ID 344583 - Viewports: The 3D Viewport Properties didn't display correctly when the Preview viewport was already open on start-up.

•ID 345000 - Modeling: Undoing an Axis Drill (stencil) failed to completely undo.

•ID 345025 - UV: The Backdrop Image's Transparency option in the UV Viewport Properties didn't work correctly.

•ID 345080 - Modeling: Using Boolean operations on background geometry with overlapping polygons caused Modo to become unresponsive and consumed a large amount of RAM.

•ID 345337 - Procedurals: Non-active deformers left selected elements behind.

•ID 348211 - UI: Switching to the Polygon tab after selecting edges disabled several commands incorrectly.

•ID 349259 - Procedurals: Using the Select by Previous Operation with the Edge Bevel mesh operation didn't always return all the edges.

•ID 349260 - Modeling: Transfer Normals didn't work correctly for mesh items that didn't have matching transforms.

•ID 349467 - Preview Render: Enabling the Preview renderer in the Render layout with the RayGL Options window open caused Modo to crash.

•ID 349987 - File I/O: Importing an Alembic file (point cloud) set as a Point Source for a Replicator item caused Modo to crash.

•ID 350303 - Viewports: Editing the Film Roll option while viewing a camera in the Advanced viewport caused wireframes to explode.

•ID 350304 - Modeling: The Edge Extend tool was very slow compared to the Move tool.

•ID 350305 - File I/O: Loading backdrop images caused Modo to crash.

•ID 350352 - Viewports: Vertices appeared when the 3D Viewport Properties > Active Meshes > Display > Show Vertices option was set to Never.

•ID 350370 - Modeling: Using Transfer Vertex Color map (RGBA) caused Modo to crash.

•ID 349671 - Navigation: Pressing the G key to center the view on the cursor's position did not work properly with a custom Work Plane.

•ID 350691 - Modeling: Vertex Snapping didn't highlight vertices in some cases.

•ID 350834 - Animation: Undoing a Box Tool edit in the Graph Editor caused the box to jump back to its previous position on the next action.

•ID 350933 - Particles: The LookAt Particle Modifier compressed particle transforms.

•ID 351622 - Animation: Mini Gradient popovers entered incorrect values for time.

•ID 351710 - Viewports: Red materials appeared in the Advanced viewport if a scene contained many meshes.

•ID 351829 - Shader Tree: Editing a constant layer in a group with Apply to SubGroup enabled caused Modo to crash.

•ID 351841 - Procedurals: Selecting a mesh that was part of a mesh operation for another mesh changed its GL display.

•ID 351866 - Modeling: Enabling and disabling the Toggle Grid Workplane option hid the widget for some deformers.

•ID 351884 - Modeling: Mirror tool: Merge vertices didn't work correctly.

•ID 352132 - File I/O: Reverting a scene with the Mesh Paint tool active caused Modo to crash.

•ID 352326 - UI: Undo To Here in Command History didn't work.

•ID 352353 - Modeling: The Polygon Inset distance was not a consistent width. There is now a new Offset Even option.

•ID 352377 - Viewports: Dragging Shader Tree layers between different groups in the Advanced viewport didn't work as expected. Layer masks either didn't appear when moved into a group and/or the layer mask leaked out, affecting the next parent group layer.

•ID 352377 - Viewports: Layer masks nested within a group mask sometimes didn't display in the Advanced viewport.

•ID 352438 - UV: Opening the UV list in UV view after editing the Transform UV Map operation's Tile U/V values caused Modo to crash.

•ID 352496 - Procedurals: Deleting an edge with procedural modeling broke the UV map.

•ID 352685 - Viewports: Disabling Use Normal Maps in the Advanced viewport affected the lighting.

•ID 352909 - Viewports: Moving directional lights was slower than expected.

•ID 352963 - Procedurals: The Procedural Axis Slice tool and the direct modeling Axis Slice tool produced different results.

•ID 353035 - UV: Switching to a layout with material overrides on while the UV Box Transform tool was active caused Modo to crash.

•ID 353068 - Particles: There were precision issues with Curve Particle Generator's spacing distance.

•ID 353250 - Modeling: The Polygon Bevel tool's Square Corner option didn't always work.

•ID 353278 - Baking: Using Bake Preview with a Render Output Bake item that had its output assigned to a folder caused Modo to crash.

•ID 353589 - Viewports: Rotating environment images was very slow.

•ID 354063 - Procedurals: UV creation in Procedural mode displayed an invalid progress bar.

•ID 354323 - Viewports: The Advanced viewport did not show displacement.

•ID 354360 - File I/O: Loading Alembic files with transforms of unknown types caused Modo to crash.

•ID 354384 - VR: Connecting the monitor display and HMD display to separate GPUs caused Modo to crash.

•ID 354588 - Modeling: Hard Edge Smoothing incorrectly hardened all edges on vertices.

•ID 354600 - Procedurals: Polygon Bevel incorrectly set minimum value of segment to 1.

•ID 354680 - Particles: Particle Rotation gradients were only rotating 1 degree per 100%.

•ID 354891 - UI: The Modo interface sometimes did not load when it couldn't display a layout.
Now Modo displays an empty but usable layout in such cases and allows you to restore another layout or build a new one.

•ID 355035 - Modeling: Paint selection in Items mode randomly caused Modo to crash.

•ID 355062 - Modeling: Getting the bounding box for a face randomly caused Modo to crash.

•ID 355166 - Painting/Sculpting randomly caused Modo to crash.

•ID 355225 - Procedurals: Undoing a mesh operation freeze caused Modo to crash.

•ID 355357 - Preview Render randomly caused Modo to crash.

•ID 355406 - Volumes: Opening scene with a VDB voxel item selected caused Modo to crash.

•ID 355568 - Viewports: Environment images sometimes caused Modo to crash.

•ID 355577 - Viewports: Viewport drawing sometimes caused Modo to crash.

•ID 355579 - Procedurals: Using the Polygon Merge mesh operation sometimes resulted in corrupted vertex normals.

•ID 355580 - Input Devices: Space Navigators with a tool active sometimes caused Modo to crash.

•ID 355664 - UV: Random crashes related to UV coverage.

•ID 355787 - Item List: Selecting an item with no linked transforms sometimes caused Modo to crash.

•ID 355920 - Procedurals: Implicit selection did not work for SelOp aliases.

•ID 356029 - UV: The UV Rectangle's Gaps option was incorrectly available when Pack was disabled.

•ID 356117 - MeshFusion: The Absolute strip quad length feature introduced in 12.1 created quads twice as long as the length specified by the user in millimeters.

•ID 356132 - Procedurals: Using the Transfer Vertex Map operation with Select by Previous and Boolean mesh ops caused Modo to crash.

•ID 356235 - Replicators: Replicators with their Point Source set to a Particle Snap Modifier sometimes collapsed to a single edge.

•ID 356402 - UV: Slow performance using UV coverage.

•ID 356419 - Procedurals: Procedural Edge Slide provided different results if a selection was made, then the layout was swapped.

•ID 356669 - Viewports: Large scene performance on Quadro Cards has been improved. This change reverts the workaround introduced in Modo 12.1, because the custom NVIDIA driver profile has been removed in Modo 12.2 as NVIDIA has fixed this for a future driver release.

•ID 357026 - UI: The Form Editor changed message table entries not on the form.

•ID 357224 - Item List: Switching from a CAD-converted scene to another scene caused Modo to crash.

•ID 357278 - Viewports: Input lag when using certain view styles with an environment image enabled.

•ID 357316 - Painting: Using Projection Ink sometimes caused Modo to crash.

•ID 357322 - Modeling: The Soft Selection falloff was drawing on locked and hidden geometry.

•ID 357383 - Procedurals: Beveling irregular edges sometimes caused Modo to crash.

•ID 357386 - Modeling: The Component AutoSelect button didn't highlight consistently when activated by its keyboard shortcut.

•ID 357606 - Procedurals: Adding a mesh operation after activating the Sketch tool sometimes caused Modo to crash.

•ID 357992 - File I/O: macOS - Using Export Selected and saving to the same directory more than once resulted in an error message.

•ID 358466 - Schematic: Selecting a link and pressing Delete displayed an error.

•ID 358487 - Licensing: License libraries bug involving a number of MacOS issues related to sign-in licensing problems with changing MAC IDs and other issues.

•ID 358572 - Modeling: The Linear Align tool's Screen Axis mode was not available in all selection modes.

•ID 359403 - UI: Pressing Tab after typing a value in the Horizontal Wrap field didn't work as expected.

•ID 359627 - UV: Potential crash in mesh meta computation with 1 or 2 points polygons.

•ID 359784 - Modeling: Using the Action Axis tool sometimes caused Modo to randomly crash.

•ID 359790 - Modeling: Using Element Falloff in Edge mode sometimes caused Modo to randomly crash.

•ID 359795 - Modeling: Enabling tools sometimes caused Modo to randomly crash.

•ID 360051 - Procedurals: The Slice mesh operation left behind vertices resulting in open geometry.

•ID 360061 - VR: ModoVR did not show the HMD view in the viewport on AMD+Oculus.

•ID 360066 - Viewports: Updating bump or displacement sometimes caused Modo to crash.

•ID 360306 - Procedurals: Using the Select by Previous selection type with an Axis Drill mesh operation sometimes caused Modo to crash.

•ID 360595 Modeling: Smoothing angle was not correctly applied to polygons that shared a vertex and had different material groups and smoothing angles.

•ID 360598 - Viewports: The Unreal Shader did not use Clearcoat normals for clearcoat effect in the Advanced viewport.

•ID 360642 - Procedurals: When creating a new mesh operation, or selecting a mesh operation in the Mesh Operations list, the properties were not displayed correctly.

•ID 360784 - Procedurals: Trying to select a component on the mesh sometimes caused Modo to crash.

•ID 360857 - UI: Deleting an image in the layout caused Modo to crash..

•ID 360934 - Procedurals: Group polygon bevel didn't use the same random value per group.

•ID 360990 - Procedurals: Merge Meshes didn't handle negative scale correctly.

•ID 361020 - Viewports: Switching layouts caused Viewport Overrides to create undos without an undo context.

•ID 361022 - Item List: Removing a package from an item incorrectly deselected the item.

•ID 361050 - Animation: Animation playback sometimes consumed a large amount of RAM.

•ID 361304 - Shader Tree: Deleting an image from the Clips list caused Modo to crash.

•ID 361313 - Modeling: Edge loop selection did not work as expected when boundary edges were involved.

•ID 361409 - UV: Texture Name channel of UV Pack and UV Unwrap was a text field instead of a popup.

•ID 361557 - Shader Tree: In certain scenes, normals were affected by incorrect material masks.

•ID 361562 - Procedurals: The Scatter Clone mesh operation incorrectly flipped geometry.

•ID 361564 - Procedurals: When making a slice on a polygon, the created edge was detached from the geometry.

•ID 361604 - Preset Browser: Files with too many numbers in the file name did not appear in the Preset Browser.

•ID 361742 - File I/O: macOS - Selecting the same directory more than once for the UDIM Wizard displayed an error message.

•ID 361884 - Navigation: Move/Orbit from a PRS-Channel-Locked Camera displayed several warnings.

•ID 361908 - Modeling: Auto Action Center used Deformed Axis and Center even if Enable Deformers was disabled.

•ID 362180 - UI: Windows - Japanese locale - Rebuilding the Item List while the scene cinema was in flux caused Modo to crash.

•ID 362284 - Viewports: Random crash involving tools.

•ID 362379 - Customization: Adding a command from custom config to a form caused Modo to crash.

•ID 362621 - Painting: Activating the Stamp brush caused Modo to crash.

•ID 362940 - Preset Browser: When a file was dropped from the file system into a Preset Browser and its original location was not already present in the Preset Browser's directory cache, the file was copied rather than moved.

•ID 362954 - Modeling: Instancing or duplicating a corrupt mesh caused Modo to crash.

•ID 362972 - Python API: When Modo was looking up the argument type from the Python command, the default implementation gave a 'Not Implemented' exception rather than returning None/NULL. This caused the text hints to fail for Python commands.

•ID 363063 - Viewports: Using the Matcaps shader in the Tool viewport sometimes caused Modo to crash.

•ID 363933 - MeshFusion: Increasing strip width resulted in geometry disappearing.

•ID 363947 - Presets: Saving an Environment preset had the preset sphere in the thumbnail.

•ID 363948 - Presets: Saving a Shader or Render Output preset rendered the default material as thumbnail.

•ID 363950 - Presets: Environment preset thumbnails were not color corrected.

•ID 363981 - Item List: Random crash related to the Item List.

•ID 363993 - Shader Tree: Random crash in texture evaluation, including reports of crashes when exporting to .fbx.

•ID 364011 - Volumes: Rendering scenes with VDB Voxels sometimes caused Modo to crash.

•ID 364098 - Preview: Using any Preset shape as geometry material preview, and selecting a Render Output while Preview was running caused Modo to crash.

•ID 364177 - Modeling: The Thicken tool produced different results in Modo 12.1.

•ID 364941 - Preview Render: Enabling a Viewport override preset with Preview rendering caused Modo to crash.

•ID 365470 - Modeling: The Smooth Shift Sharpen option created asymmetrical results.

•ID 365654 - Modeling: The Push and Jitter tools were reset with every click.

•ID 366009 - UV: The Pack UV tool's Pack Region options kept resetting to default.

•ID 366134 - Modeling: Converting Edge selection to Polygon selection didn't always work as expected.

•ID 366297 - UV: Texel density kit incorrectly accounted for 3D size when sampling.

•ID 366385 - UV: Looping select UV Seam that bordered a split edge caused Modo to crash.

•ID 366476 - UV: The UV Box Transform tool's Snap Distance option ignored the zoom level.

•ID 367026 - Modeling: Random crash related to edge tracking.

•ID 368667 - Procedurals: The Clone Effector handled vertex selection incorrectly.

•ID 369125 - Modeling: The handles of Bezier curves imported from Illustrator could not be edited correctly.

•ID 369171 - UV: Zooming in and out with the scroll wheel in the UV viewport caused Modo to crash.

•ID 369447 - UV: The UV Box Transform snapping overrides constrained proportions.

•ID 369788 - Procedurals: Slice sometimes left a vertex floating in space when cutting a curve into two parts.

•ID 370148 - UI: Dragging the Render Camera label from the Render Item form caused Modo to crash.

•ID 370375 - UV: Copying and pasting an edge selection with UV connectivity caused Modo to crash.

•ID 370380 - Modeling: Removing an item while Geometry Snapping was enabled in the Toolpipe caused Modo to crash.

•ID 370597 - Modeling: A specific n-gon Bevel left one vertex behind.

MeshFusion: Command Help for user values driving various popup menus were missing. A minor config issue was preventing some icons from displaying in the Fusion Item’s Properties.

Particles: Exotype for Texture Particle size was a float instead of a distance.

Preset Browser: Saving some presets didn't create a new directory (important for user paths from the Preset Browser).

Preset Browser: The Preset Browser sometimes didn't update when changing to a different directory.

Procedurals: The Material mesh operation was much slower than the Assign Selection Set mesh operation.

Scripting: The wrong notification flag was sent for the command enable set on a user value.
invert enable command test has been added for user.def, which inverts the results of the test for the enable command. This allows the user value to be enabled when the enable command is disabled and visa versa.

Shader Tree: Changing material surface normal properties affected the wrong item in a specific scene.

UI: Usernames on some data list layouts were incorrect in the Data Lists switcher bar.

UI: Tool Properties : The Snapping button so it remained in the Properties after the tools were dropped.

UV: Random crash related to UV Coverage drawing.



注意:  Due to internal bug-logging and tracking process improvements, new bug identification numbers are used, with the legacy IDs provided in parentheses, where appropriate.


•ID 240321 (53661) - Selecting actions does not always select the correct one. This is caused by copying actions.

回避策として、壊れたアクションのタグを手動で編集して、 Groupsタブをクリックし、シーンを保存して再ロードします。


•ID 288164 (36452) - Assemblies exported from the Item List context menu result in poor visual layout of nodes on import.



•ID 355201 - Baking SurfaceID is giving different outputs. A bug has been fixed where deleting or disabling visibility of a mesh would change the SurfaceID colors of other meshes. The process is now deterministic, but the SurfaceID colors differ from previous versions.

•ID 293020 (50671) - Baking displacement maps can cause UV seams to be visible, and the baked displacement map to show quilting effects and other render artifacts.

•ID 221481 (49437) - The Bake Channel Swizzling option can’t bake to texture alpha.


•ID 221439 (49244) - (Windows only): With Perform Color Correction on, setting a default scene to a scene with a mesh that has a position channel crashes Modo at launch.

回避策として、 System > Reset Preferencesデフォルトにリセットするか、デフォルトのシーンを移動/削除します。


•ID 289290 (49514) - macOS X only: Running modo_cl before running the UI Modo application breaks code signing.


ファイルおよびイメージI / O

•ID 337523(56862) - Modo SolidWorksキットの場合: Modo同じものをインポートするとクラッシュするSolidWorks 1度に2回ファイルするModoセッション。このバグは、直接インポートではなく、キットを使用したインポートにのみ影響します(File > Import)。

回避策として:インポートする前にSolidWorks 2回目のファイル、終了して再起動Modo

•ID 221508(50198)-Alembicシーンは、静的メッシュや手続き型粉砕アイテムなど、一部のサーフェスアイテムをエクスポートしません。

•ID 226589(49728)-選択したレイヤーのエクスポート( Item Listコンテキストメニュー)から.fbx元のメッシュもエクスポートされない限り、インスタンスはエクスポートされません。

これを解決するには、 .fbx好みExport Selectionそして使うExport As…

•ID 220991(47036)-でのカラー管理.svg画像は現在サポートされていません。これは、色補正が有効になっているときに、許容される最大の画像サイズ(64k x 64k)が常に使用されていたバグ修正の副作用です。

•ID 220975(46962)-レンダリング.svgディスプレイスメントまたはレイヤーマスキングのステンシルマップとして使用される画像は、非常に遅くなる可能性があります。


•ID 288248 (35731) - Fur length textures can’t be edited with the Stretch tool.



•ID 303287 (35856) - Linux only: Plugging in a Wacom tablet while Modo is running can cause undesired movement. This cannot be fixed, due to a limitation of the hardware driver.


•ID 226536 (51741) - Mac OS X only: Modo sometimes becomes unresponsive when using the combination of a click-drag in a tree view (for example, when toggling the visibility of two successive items in the Shader Tree), followed immediately by a two-finger scroll gesture on some devices, including laptop trackpads and the Magic Mouse.

回避策として、3ボタンマウスに変更します(すべてに完全にアクセスするために推奨されます) Modoの機能)。


•ID 364399 - Outputting an Airtight Final mesh may flip some polygons.

回避策として、でポリゴンを選択しますPolygonモードを押し、 Fキーを押すか、メッシュをSubDまたはPSubに変換します(TabまたはShift+Tab)。

•ID 316276(56973)- トリムフュージョンの役割がオブジェクトに割り当てられ、それがプライマリにドラッグアンドドロップされた場合、ドロップメニューにはトリムブールオプションが含まれません。

回避策として、Fusionボタン(ツールパレット- Set Mesh Role & Applyセクション)またはパイメニュー(Apply SubtractionまたはApply Intersection)各Fusionアイテムにトリムを最初に追加するとき(トリムは複数のFusionアイテムに寄与できます)。これらの方法のいずれかを最初に適用した場合、後続のすべてのドラッグアンドドロップオプションがサポートされます。


•ID 226970 (32728) - Zooming out with a Space Navigator alters the Work Plane position.


•ID 226363(48325)-フルフレームでレンダリングされたイメージシーケンスを含むシーンは、スレーブマシンで誤ったイメージシーケンス番号を使用します。

回避策として、 File > Consolidate Scene、次に共有ネットワークフォルダ(Preferences下のオプションRendering > Network Rendering)。

•ID 226337(36986) -スレーブは非表示のメッシュをレンダリングします。メッシュ非表示状態はシーンに保存されないため、そのシーンがスレーブに転送されると、状態は失われます。しかし、マスターは隠された状態を尊重します。

回避策として、意図がレンダリングを回避することである場合は、アイテムの可視性を切り替えるか、レンダリングまたは開くSystem > Preferences > Renderingそして無効にするUse Network Render Nodes

•ID 226336(25636) -フレームパスはサポートされていません。

•ID 220955(30318)- ネットワークレンダリングはRealflowパーティクルをサポートしていません。

いくつかのバグ-どうやらModo 902、場合によっては、ベーキングをサポートするためにネットワークレンダリングが実装されていませんでした。への変更Modo 10シリーズでは、一部のアーティストの機能に問題があったため、機能が無効になっています。

回避策として、 Modo 10は、ベイクアイテムと外部レンダーコントローラーを使用してネットワークベイクする機能を実装しました。詳細については、 SDK Wiki


•ID 221393 (50642) - Nodal shading does not support UDIMs.


•ID 288461 (41682) - Textures are not always updating in Preview/Render when painting on an image map.



•ID 303192(34925)-大きなパーティクルキャッシュで保存されたシーンを再度開くと、問題が発生する可能性があります。

このような問題を回避するには、閉じる前にキャッシュを削除してくださいModo、またはパーティクルをエクスポート.csvキャッシュファイルまたはRealflow .binファイル。これらのノードの1つを、 Schematicビューポート、クリックCache Simulation


If a high poly mesh is not visible, the Preview baking output will be incorrect.



•ID 305303(56318)-Deformフォルダー内のMesh Opsを手続き的に複製するとエラーが発生するMesh Opsリスト。

•ID 305302(56317)-手続き型の複製は、 Select By Previous Operationツール。

回避策として、複製の手動で編集しますSelect By Previous OperationメッシュOps。

•ID 266469(54738) -マージメッシュソースであるアイテム(メッシュアイテム、手続き型アイテム、フュージョンアイテムなど)の複製、複製(重複またはインスタンス)は、ソースとしてマージメッシュOpsリストに追加されます。

回避策として、(ソースのタイプに関係なく)不要な追加のマージメッシュソースをMesh Opsリストを使用してXリスト内の各Merge Meshesソースの横にあるアイコン。

•ID 221355(52149)-カーブ押し出しメッシュ操作:パスセグメントジェネレータのAlign to Normal長さゼロの接線を持つベジェを使用している場合、オプションは機能しません。

回避策として、押し出す前にポリゴンを回転させて+ Zを指すようにするか、長さゼロの接線がないことを確認してください。

BUG ID 289810 (46512) - When rigged, Rock items and other procedurals do not display correctly in GL. This is a limitation of the feature and will not be fixed.



•ID 294394(44492)-すでに参照が含まれているシーンが参照されている場合、元の参照のシェーディングが維持されない場合があります。


•ID 220957(41119)-参照を同じファイルに置き換えた後で参照を再ロードすると、 Modoクラッシュする。

BUG ID 309252 (56620) - Modo crashes when closing a scene containing a referenced scene after attempting to revert a reference override.



•ID 297021(52730) -メッシュに変換チャネルがある場合、[頂点イルミネーションベイク]コマンドが期待どおりに機能しません。


•ID 292947(53184)-マテリアルサブサーフェススキャッタリングサンプル用に作成された値プリセットModo 10.1以前は、代わりにレンダーアイテムに表示されるようになりました。

•ID 279848(55663) - Motion Blurメッシュ操作でカーブに適用すると機能しなくなります。

•ID 243070 (53793) - Rendering using a Dual CPU with 72 threads was significantly slower than expected.


•ID 235368(53411)-メッシュライトまたは表面に近すぎる直接光がホタル(ホットピクセル)を生成する場合があります。

回避策として、 Maximum Radiance 1 W / srmより高い2バイアスを減らすために。


•ID 287584 (27244) - Duplicating joints in a bound mesh retains influences from the original joint chain.


•ID 242545 (53458) - Right-clicking or running a script in the Script Editor can lock up input to Modo.

回避策として、スクリプトエディタの上部ウィンドウをクリックするか、メインメニューを使用するか、別のアプリケーションに変更してから、 Modo


•ID 336112 (57874) - Custom Materials that define their own smoothing properties (such as the Skin material), no longer smooth the mesh correctly.

•ID 299187 (37858) - In the Shader Tree, choosing a group from Add Layer > Image Map > (use clip browser) fails.

この問題を回避するには、 Clip Browser、グループの代わりに単一の画像を選択し、テクスチャレイヤーのPropertiesタブ。

•ID 288141 (30947) - Layer masking displacement does not work unless you drag and drop the masking layer onto the displacement layer.


•ID 295862(50700)-Unreal SubSurface Colorエフェクトを視覚化する方法はありませんModo

•ID 294747(50701)-アンリアルマテリアルのアンビエントオクルージョンが正しくベイクされないModo

•ID 221477(50451)-一部のグラフィックスカードでは、UnityマテリアルがAdvancedバンプマップとシャドウで使用する場合のビューポート。


•ID 333249 (57715) - Selecting items in the viewport does not always update the Properties form.

回避策として、 Altキー。

•ID 288714(43162)- Windowsのみ:カスタムテキストサイズを設定すると、 Modoのテキスト描画。


•ID 281374(55759) -オブジェクトを変換すると、 Items Propertiesちらつくパネル。

•ID 277244(55571)- Zenでドープシートのサイズを変更するとクラッシュするModo 11.1ではなくModo 11.0。

•ID 273139(55185) -ビューポートアイコンボタンのテキストは、 Advanced一部のmacOS / AMD構成のビューポート。

As a workaround: Upgrade macOS to 10.12 or 10.13.

•ID 226492(44496)-macOS Xのみ:無効化Affect System Color DialogPreferences > Rendering > Color Management、およびシステムカラーピッカーを使用すると、カラーピッカーを使用するたびに色が暗くなりました。

これはOS Xの問題によるもので、モニター設定とカラーピッカーの両方でカラープロファイルをsRGB IEC61966-2.1に設定する必要があります。

•ID 224169(44896)-画像をディスクからディスクにドラッグアンドドロップClipsリストが機能しません。



Windows only: Using Raptr can cause GL driver crashes in Modo.

RGBA textures only draw correctly in the Advanced viewport. In the Default viewport, any unsupported texture effect on an image map is drawn as diffuse color when the layer is selected in the Shader Tree.

•ID 338599 (57955) - Clicking on the VR layout tab may crash when using a system with a Radeon WX-series graphics card. This is due to a driver bug and should be fixed by a AMD in a future driver release.

•ID 338374 (58003) - Game Navigation mode (camera rotation) does not work in a floating 3D view (palette or separate window).


•ID 310930 (56706) - Unity and Unreal materials are not displayed correctly when first loaded into the Advanced viewport.


•ID 296123 (46995) - Ambient Occlusion display in the Advanced viewport is affected by selected item wireframes.

あなたは無効にすることができますShow Selectionの中にVisibilityオプションまたはアクティブなメッシュレイヤーでのワイヤーフレーム描画を無効にします。

•ID 289738 (49473) - Projections are incorrect if the projecting camera is set to Vertical film fit mode and the width is less than the height.

•ID 289020 (43771) - Camera projections from non-render cameras show distortion in GL and baking.


•ID 281365 (55816) - Wireframes are washed out on transparent surfaces in the Advanced viewport.



•ID 356825 - SDK: TDSDK Vertex and Edge classes didn't use the correct IDs for equality comparisons.

•ID 363748 - SDK: In some situations, the per_item callback was not called. (See this discussion: http://modo.beta.thefoundry.co.uk/forum/topic.aspx?f=11&t=25223)

•ID 364335 - TD SDK: The same vertex ID was being used repeatedly when trying to set disco UVs.

SDK: SDK methods StripRichText(), to remove rich text in a string, and StringLookup(), to get a string from a string table have been added.