Root { inputs 0 } Camera2 { inputs 0 translate {30 23 30} rotate {-28 45 0} name Camera1 xpos 11847 ypos -1702 } Constant { inputs 0 channels rgb color {0.09624999762 0.1558333486 0.2199999988 0} name Constant1 xpos 11957 ypos -2069 } Card2 { rows 1 columns 1 control_points {3 3 3 6 1 {-0.5 -0.5 0} 0 {0.1666666865 0 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {0 0.1666666865 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {0 0 0} 1 {0 -0.5 0} 0 {0.1666666716 0 0} 0 {-0.1666666716 0 0} 0 {0 0.1666666865 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {0.5 0 0} 1 {0.5 -0.5 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {-0.1666666865 0 0} 0 {0 0.1666666865 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {1 0 0} 1 {-0.5 0 0} 0 {0.1666666865 0 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {0 0.1666666716 0} 0 {0 -0.1666666716 0} 0 {0 0.5 0} 1 {0 0 0} 0 {0.1666666716 0 0} 0 {-0.1666666716 0 0} 0 {0 0.1666666716 0} 0 {0 -0.1666666716 0} 0 {0.5 0.5 0} 1 {0.5 0 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {-0.1666666865 0 0} 0 {0 0.1666666716 0} 0 {0 -0.1666666716 0} 0 {1 0.5 0} 1 {-0.5 0.5 0} 0 {0.1666666865 0 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {0 -0.1666666865 0} 0 {0 1 0} 1 {0 0.5 0} 0 {0.1666666716 0 0} 0 {-0.1666666716 0 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {0 -0.1666666865 0} 0 {0.5 1 0} 1 {0.5 0.5 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {-0.1666666865 0 0} 0 {0 0 0} 0 {0 -0.1666666865 0} 0 {1 1 0} } name Card1 xpos 11957 ypos -1967 } Sphere { inputs 0 translate {{curve x1 -7 x50 7} {curve x1 0 x50 0} {curve x1 5.5 x50 -5.5}} name Sphere1 tile_color 0x828282ff gl_color 0x828282ff xpos 12094 ypos -1907 } push 0 ParticleEmitter { inputs 3 rate 5 lifetime 50 velocity 0.1 size 0.4 name ParticleEmitter1 xpos 11957 ypos -1907 } ParticleMotionAlign { name ParticleMotionAlign1 xpos 11957 ypos -1850 } Scene { name Scene1 xpos 11967 ypos -1782 } Constant { inputs 0 channels rgb format "640 480 0 0 640 480 1 PC_Video" name Constant2 xpos 12092 ypos -1705 } ScanlineRender { inputs 3 motion_vectors_type velocity name ScanlineRender1 xpos 11957 ypos -1681 } Viewer { input_process false name Viewer1 xpos 11957 ypos -1628 } StickyNote { inputs 0 name StickyNote1 tile_color 0x9b9b9bff label "For 3D viewing ease:\n\n- Hit S over the Viewer and activate the Primitive Normals button \n in the 3D tab.\n\n- Open the Axis properties panel to view the moving axis that\n is driving the 'position' control.\n\n- Change the view to the attached Camera. \n- Watch in 3D view to see the direction of each\nparticle change accordingly." note_font_size 18 xpos 11442 ypos -1976 }