Asset API (C++)

namespace Foundry
namespace Katana
class DefaultAssetPlugin
#include <FnDefaultAssetPlugin.h>

Allows the access to the currently set Asset Management System plugin.

This class can be used when a plugin (a Scenegraph Generator, for example) needs to resolve or publish assets using the Asset Management System Plugin set on the current scene (regardless if it is implemented in C++ or Python)....

Public Static Functions

static bool isAssetId(const std::string &str, bool throwOnError = false)

Return whether the input string represents a valid asset id.

Should parse the input string to determine whether it is a valid asset id. Should not attempt to determine whether the asset actually exists in the asset database.

True if the string is valid asset id syntax.
  • str -

    The string to test.

  • throwOnError -

    Boolean setting whether to throw an exception on error.

static bool containsAssetId(const std::string &str, bool throwOnError = false)

Return whether the input string contains a valid asset id anywhere within it.

Should parse the input string to determine whether it contains a valid asset id. Should not attempt to determine whether any asset ids found in the string actually exist in the asset database.

True if the string contains a valid asset id.
  • str -

    The string to test.

  • throwOnError -

    Boolean setting whether to throw an exception on error.

static std::string resolveAsset(const std::string &assetId, bool throwOnError = false)

Lookup asset id in asset system and return path (or other string) that it references.

The resolved asset string.
  • assetId -

    Asset id to resolve.

  • throwOnError -

    Boolean setting whether to throw an exception on error.

static std::string resolveAllAssets(const std::string &inputString, bool throwOnError = false)

Replace any asset ids found in the given input string with resolved asset strings.

The string with all asset ids replaced with resolved asset strings.
  • inputString -

    The string to be searched for asset ids.

  • throwOnError -

    Boolean setting whether to throw an exception on error.

static std::string resolvePath(const std::string &path, int frame, bool throwOnError = false)

Resolve env vars in input path string, then resolve asset ids and file sequences.

File sequence will most likely be resolved using default file sequence plugin from host. This is a good candidate for some base functionality in the C++ wrappers on the plugin side.

The resolved path string.
  • path -

    Input path string to resolve.

  • frame -

    Frame number to resolve file sequences with.

  • throwOnError -

    Boolean setting whether to throw an exception on error.

static std::string getUniqueScenegraphLocationFromAssetId(const std::string &assetId, bool includeVersion, bool throwOnError = false)
static std::string getRelatedAssetId(const std::string &assetId, const std::string &relation, bool throwOnError = false)
static bool getAssetAttributes(const std::string &assetId, const std::string &scope, std::map<std::string, std::string> &attributesMap, bool throwOnError = false)

Gets metadata associated with an asset or a scoped item in the asset hierarchy.

  • assetId -

    The id of the asset to search for metadata.

  • scope -

    A scoped item name.

  • attributes -

    A map to be filled with the metadata attributes of the given asset.

  • throwOnError -

    Boolean setting whether to throw an exception on error.

static bool checkPermissions(const std::string &assetId, const std::map<std::string, std::string> &context, bool throwOnError = false)

Returns whether permissions for the given asset id are valid in the given context.

  • assetId -

    The id of the asset to check permission for.

  • context -

  • throwOnError -

    Boolean setting whether to throw an exception on error.

static std::string resolveAssetVersion(const std::string &assetId, const std::string &versionTag = std::string(), bool throwOnError = false)

Returns the version for a given asset id. If it is a partial asset id (which does not have a version) then an empty string is returned.

String with the integer version number that this asset id resolves to, or an empty string if an error occurs.
  • assetId -

    The asset id to resolve.

  • throwOnError -

    Boolean setting whether to throw an exception on error.

static std::string getAssetDisplayName(const std::string &assetId, bool throwOnError = false)

Returns a name suitable for displaying to the user for the given asset id.

The display name of the given asset.
  • assetId -

    The asset id to look for display name.

  • throwOnError -

    Boolean setting whether to throw an exception on error.

static bool getAssetVersions(const std::string &assetId, std::vector<std::string> &versions, bool throwOnError = false)

Gets a list of all the available versions of the given asset.

True on success.
  • assetId -

    The asset id to look for available versions.

  • versions -

    The vector to be filled with the available versions of the given asset.

  • throwOnError -

    Boolean setting whether to throw an exception on error.

static bool getAssetFields(const std::string &assetId, bool includeDefaults, std::map<std::string, std::string> &returnFields, bool throwOnError = false)

Convert from asset id to a set of named string fields defining the asset.

The minimum set of fields are “name” and “version”. Other fields are preserved but ignored by Katana.

True on success.
  • assetId -

    Input asset id.

  • includeDefaults -

    If true, return the full set of fields for this asset system, including defaults not specified in the asset id. If false, return only the fields specified in the asset id.

  • returnFields -

    A map to be filled with the asset fields.

  • throwOnError -

    Boolean setting whether to throw an exception on error.

static std::string buildAssetId(const std::map<std::string, std::string> &fields, bool throwOnError = false)

Builds and return a new asset id using the given fields.

The new asset id, on success. Otherwise an empty string.
  • fields -

    A map of fields used to build the new asset id.

  • throwOnError -

    Boolean setting whether to throw an exception on error.

static std::string getAssetIdForScope(const std::string &assetId, const std::string &scope, bool throwOnError = false)

Gets an asset id scoped to the specified level in the asset hierarchy.

Should return a more general asset reference to the given asset id. For instance, if scope is “name”, returns an asset id that doesn’t include a specific version number. This may not make sense in some asset systems, in which case, return the input asset id.

A string containing the result asset id.
  • assetId -

    The input asset id.

  • scope -

    A string specifying scope for result asset id, such as “name” or “version”.