Resolutions (Python)

ResolutionTable(file) Build a table of ResolutionEntry objects based on a show resolution file.

class ResolutionTable.ResolutionTable

Table of ResolutionEntry objects

addEntries(entries) → number of entries

Add the given entries to the resolution table. Return the total number of all entries.


Remove all entries from the resolution table

createResolution(width, height, name, groupName='', pixelAspect=1.0) → ResolutionTableEntry

Creates a new resolution with the given width, height and name. The name must not be already in use. Arguments:

  • width The resolution in the x axis.
  • height The resolution in the y axis.
  • name A unique string identifier for the resolution.
  • groupName A namespace for the resolution.
  • pixelAspect The ratio of width to height for non square pixels.

Returns: A new ResolutionTableEntry.

Use addEntries to add the resulting resolution to this table.

extractValidResolutionName(text) → string

Return the first resolution name in text.

findResolution(width=-1, height=-1, aspect=-1.0) → ResolutionTableEntry

Find the entry for a given resolution name, or error.

findResolutionByName(name) → ResolutionTableEntry or None

This function will search for a resolution with the given name and return a copy of the first resolution that matches or None if nothing was found. Arguments:

  • name A string which needs to match to the name of a resolution in this resolution table.

Returns: A new ResolutionTableEntry, or None if nothing was found.

getEntries() → list of entries

Return list of all entries.

getEntriesForGroup(name) → list of entries

Return list of entries found in the resolution group.

getFilename() → string

Get the filename this table was loaded from.

getGroups() → list of strings

Return the first resolution name in text.

getResolution(name) → ResolutionTableEntry

Get the entry for a given resolution name.

hasResolution(name) → bool

Test if the table can make an entry for the name.


Deprecated Use createResolution and findResolutionByName

makeResolution(width=-1, height=-1, aspect=-1.0, name=””, fullName=”Miscellaneous”, proxyName=””, groupName=”misc”) -> ResolutionTableEntry

Find the entry for a given resolution name, or create a new entry.

class ResolutionTable.ResolutionTableEntry

Fields for an entry in ResolutionTable. Can only be created by ResolutionTable.

aspectRatio() → float
fullname() → string
groupname() → string
name() → string
proxyname() → string
xres() → int
yres() → int
exception ResolutionTable.ResolutionTableException