Serializing Nodes

Duplicating Nodes

Serialize to XML

Katana uses a copy and paste pattern to duplicate node graph nodes, which means that to copy a node you must serialize it to XML using BuildNodesXmlIO(), then deserialize. For example, to create then serialize a PrimitiveCreate node referenced by node enter the following:

# Get the root node
rootNode = NodegraphAPI.GetRootNode()

# Create a new node at root level
rootNode = NodegraphAPI.CreateNode('PrimitiveCreate', rootNode)
nodesToSerialize = [rootNode]
xmlTree = NodegraphAPI.BuildNodesXmlIO(nodesToSerialize)


BuildNodesXmlIO() accepts a sequence of nodes, so a network of nodes can be serialized in a single operation.


Use KatanaFile.Paste() to deserialize an XML tree. The XML tree can contain an arbitrary number of nodes, and the contents are pasted under a given location, which can be either the node graph top level (the root node) or any Group-like node.

For example, to paste the XML created earlier under the root node enter the following:

rootNode = NodegraphAPI.GetRootNode()
KatanaFile.Paste(xmlTree, rootNode)

Printing An XML Tree

It can be useful to print the serialized XML tree of a node to see what it contains. For example, to view the XML of the merge in the example above node enter the following:


which, depending on your Katana version, prints:

<katana release="1.5" version="">
  <node name="__SAVE_exportedNodes" type="Group">
    <node baseType="Merge" name="Merge" type="Merge" x="228.000000" y="-311.000000">
      <port name="input" type="in"/>
      <port name="Second" type="in"/>
      <port name="output" type="out"/>
      <group_parameter name="Merge">
        <string_parameter name="showAdvancedOptions" value="No"/>
        <group_parameter name="advanced">
          <string_parameter name="sumBounds" value="No"/>
          <string_parameter name="preserveWorldSpaceXform" value="No"/>
          <stringarray_parameter name="preserveInheritedAttributes" size="0" tupleSize="1"/>
          <group_parameter name="preferredInputAttributes">
            <stringarray_parameter name="name" size="0" tupleSize="1"/>
            <numberarray_parameter name="index" size="0" tupleSize="1"/>

Project Serialization


Get the nodegraph version string. When loading from a file, the nodegraph gets a version.

Return type:str

Load a Katana file into a string of XML. Normally the xml intermediate format is not required. Use LoadElementsFromFile to get the direct xml tree.

NodegraphAPI.WriteKatanaFile(filename, element, compress=True, archive=True, opaqueParams=None)

Write a tree of PyXmlIO Elements to a Katana file.


Load a Katana string into a string of XML. Normally the xml intermediate format is not required. Use LoadElementsFromString to get the direct xml tree.

NodegraphAPI.WriteKatanaString(element, compress=True, archive=True, opaqueParams=None)

Write a tree of PyXmlIO Elements to a string.

Node Graph Serialization

NodegraphAPI.ParseNodegraphXmlIO(element, sourcePath='', isCrashFile=False)

Replaces the current Katana scene with a new scene loaded from the given XML element. The XML node graph will be upgraded to the current version.

  • element (PyXmlIO.Element) – An XML element that represents the root of the new Katana scene to create.
  • sourcePath (str) – The full path of a Katana file from which the given element was created, or an empty string to reset the current Katana scene filename.
  • isCrashFile (bool) – Flag indicating whether the file with the given source path has been saved as an autosave from which a project can be restored after a crash.
NodegraphAPI.BuildNodegraphXmlIO(forcePersistant=False, opaqueParams=None, isAutoSave=False)

Build XmlIO element tree from node graph. This returns the top element encapsulated in a root katana element.

NodegraphAPI.ParseNodesXmlIO(element, emit=True, floatNodes=False, sourcePath='', loadLiveGroups=True, lockLiveGroups=True)

Loads a scene from the given XML element into the current Katana scene. The XML node graph will be upgraded to the current version.

Return type:


  • element (PyXmlIO.Element) – An XML element that represents the root of the Katana scene to load into the current Katana scene.
  • emit (bool) – Flag that controls the type of events added to Katana’s event queue. It set to True, "nodegraph_loadBegin" and "nodegraph_loadEnd" events are added at the start and end of the loading process, respectively. If set to False, "nodegraph_silentLoadBegin" and "nodegraph_silentLoadEnd" events are used instead.
  • floatNodes (bool) – Flag that controls whether the loaded nodes are to be floating in the Node Graph tab, so that the user can place them manually, or whether the node positions stored in the given node graph are used to place the loaded nodes in the current Katana scene.
  • sourcePath (str) – The full path of a Katana file from which the given element was created, or an empty string if the element was not created from a Katana file. Only used for log messages.
  • loadLiveGroups (bool) – Flag that controls whether to load all new LiveGroup nodes in the scene.
  • lockLiveGroups (bool) – Flag that controls whether to lock all new LiveGroup nodes in the scene. Only effective when loadLiveGroups is set to True.

A list of nodes that are present in the root level of the loaded Katana scene.

NodegraphAPI.BuildNodesXmlIO(nodes, forcePersistant=False, opaqueParams=None, requireSiblings=True)

Build XmlIO element tree from a group of nodes. The nodes must all have the same parent node.

NodegraphAPI.LoadElementsFromFile(fileName, versionUp=True)

Get the XmlIO element tree from file on disk. Returns the element and a boolean if the data was upgraded.

NodegraphAPI.LoadElementsFromString(xmlString, versionUp=True)

Get the XmlIO element tree from string in memory. Returns the element and a boolean if the data was upgraded.
