Custom Tabs

class UI4.Tabs.BaseTab(parent, flags=0)

Bases: UI4.Widgets.BaseWidgets.BaseFrame

Base class for all UI tabs.

Inherits from BaseFrame to provide handling of custom callbacks for actions and key events that are associated with user-defined keyboard shortcuts, and provides functions for storing and restoring settings per tab when loading and saving tab layouts.

__init__(parent, flags=0)

Initializes an instance of the class.

  • parent (QtGui.QWidget or None) – The parent widget to own the new instance. Passed verbatim to the base class initializer.
  • flags (QtCore.Qt.WindowFlags) – The window flags to use in case no parent is given. Passed verbatim to the base class initializer.
__module__ = 'UI4.Tabs.BaseTab'

Applies the given settings to the tab.

Is called when creating a tab of the type represented by a class derived from BaseTab.

Parameters:settings (dict) – A dictionary of settings to apply to this tab.
Note:The default implementation does nothing.

This event handler is called with the given event when the tab receives a window close request. A signal is emitted when the tab gets closed which would then a child widget could pick up to unregister any of its registered event handlers.

Parameters:event (QtGui.QCloseEvent) – Event sent to widgets that the user wants to close.
Return type:QtGui.QMenuBar or None
Returns:The tab’s menu bar, or None if the tab does not provide a menu bar.
Return type:dict
Returns:A dictionary of settings that should be stored and restored as part of a tab layout.
Note:The default implementation returns an empty dictionary.