Array Parameters

Parameter.getChild(name) → Parameter

Get a child parameter by name. Returns None if not found.

Parameter.getChildByIndex(index) → Parameter

Get a child parameter by index. Returns None if out of range.

Parameter.getChildren() → list of Parameter

Return a new list of all the children parameters.

Parameter.getNumChildren() → int

Get the number of children parameters. Value is zero or greater.

Parameter.reorderChild(childParameter, index)

Move a child parameter.

Parameter.reorderChildren(oldIndex, newIndex, count)

Move the given number of child parameters from the given old index to the given new index.


Insert a new value into an array parameter.


Remove a value from an array parameter.

Parameter.removeArrayElements(index, count)

Removes a number of values from an array parameter.


Sets the new number of values on an array parameter.

Parameter.getTupleSize() → int

Gets the number of array values to bundle in the value representation.


Sets the number of array values to bundle in the value representation.

Parameter.reorderChild(childParameter, index)

Move a child parameter.

Parameter.reorderChildren(oldIndex, newIndex, count)

Move the given number of child parameters from the given old index to the given new index.