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Message Logging

Error, warning, and informational messages (to name a few) are logged in Katana using the logging module of the Python Standard Library. Messages are logged from contexts including the Python tab, shelf scripts, and Python startup scripts. Messages shown in the UI are generated by the root logger, which is configured with the ${KATANA_ROOT}/bin/python_log.conf file.

In addition to the Python logging system, Katana also has a C++ logging system, configured with ${KATANA_ROOT}/bin/log.conf. In interactive Katana, messages logged using the Python logging module are filtered according to its own configuration and posted in the Messages tab, but they are also forwarded to the Log4CPlus logger, configured using the specified (or default) log.conf. The Render Log is handled independently.

You can filter the level of messages generated, and the level of messages displayed. For more on how to filter the level of messages generated or displaying messages, see The Message Center.

The C++ log.conf logging can be sourced from an external file if this is set through the FNLOGGING_CONFIG environment variable.

Note:  This new log.conf file overrides the internal Katana file, so it needs to be complete to preserve the same print out information. However, using this environment only works for the C++ logging, not for the Python logging driven by the python_log.conf file.