Instancing ========== There are three methods of instancing in Katana, described in more detail below. 1. ``instance.ID`` attributes 2. ``instance source`` and ``instance`` locations. 3. ``instance source`` and ``instance array`` locations. Using Instance IDs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When several copies of the same geometry are already present in the Katana project, they can be annotated with the ``instance.ID`` attribute. When cooking the scene, the renderer typically takes the first location with a previously unseen ``instance.ID`` value as the instance source for further locations with the same ID. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 80 - * Attribute * Description - * :kat:attr:`string instance.ID` * A user-chosen string that uniquely identifies the geometry. Other locations with the same ID are considered instances of each other by the renderer. Using Instance Sources ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Instances can also be created when geometry is imported into Katana. To define the source, import the geometry into an empty group and set the group's ``type`` attribute to ``instance source``. Instance sources are not rendered. To define an instance, create an empty location and set its ``geometry.instanceSource`` attribute to the path of the scene graph location of the instance source. For clarity, the location's ``type`` can be changed to ``instance``. Instances can be shaded and transformed as usual. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 80 - * Attribute * Description - * :kat:attr:`string geometry.instanceSource` * Path of scene graph location of the instance source. Using Instance Arrays ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Instance arrays are useful when instances are positioned programmatically and do not need to be interactively transformed. Instance sources are defined as above. An instance array is a scene graph location declaring multiple instances of one or more instance sources. Its ``type`` must be ``instance array``. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 80 - * Attribute * Description - * :kat:attr:`string[n] geometry.instanceSource` * Array of paths of scene graph locations of instance sources. - * :kat:attr:`int[n] geometry.instanceIndex` * Per-instance index into the ``instanceSource`` array, to determine which source location to use for each instance. In other words, ``instanceIndex`` constitutes a mapping from instance index to instance source index. Optional if ``instanceSource`` contains a single path only, in which case that instance source is used for all instances in the instance array. - * :kat:attr:`int[] geometry.instanceSkipIndex` * Optional. Sparse array of indices of instances to skip. - * :kat:attr:`double[16n] geometry.instanceMatrix` :kat:attr:`double[3n] geometry.instanceTranslate` :kat:attr:`double[4n] geometry.instanceRotateX` :kat:attr:`double[4n] geometry.instanceRotateY` :kat:attr:`double[4n] geometry.instanceRotateZ` :kat:attr:`double[3n] geometry.instanceScale` * Each attribute is a flat array of per-instance transformations. The meaning of each attribute is the same as for conventional :doc:`transformation ` attributes. Can be multi-sampled to support animation. - * :kat:attr:`group geometry.arbitrary` * Optional - see :doc:`ArbitraryAttributes`. The ``value`` or ``index`` attributes must contain data for every instance.