Materials ========= Defining Monolithic Materials ----------------------------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 80 - * Attribute * Description - * :kat:attr:`string material.Shader` * This string has different names depending on the renderer and shader used, for example, ``prmanLightShader`` or ``arnoldSurfaceShader``. The value specifies the name of the shader to use. - * :kat:attr:`group material.Params` * This group has different names depending on the renderer and shader used, for example, ``prmanLightParams`` or ``arnoldSurfaceParams``. The group contains all the shader attributes used by a particular shader type for a specific renderer. - * :kat:attr:`group material.ops` * See :ref:`deferred-material-ops`. Defining Network Materials -------------------------- .. note:: This section is under construction. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 80 - * Attribute * Description - * :kat:attr:`string` * - * :kat:attr:`string` * - * :kat:attr:`string material.nodes..type` * - * :kat:attr:`string` * - * :kat:attr:`string material.nodes..srcName` * - * :kat:attr:`any material.nodes..parameters.` * - * :kat:attr:`string material.nodes..connections.` * - * :kat:attr:`string material.terminals.` * - * :kat:attr:`string material.terminals.Port` * - * :kat:attr:`string material.interface..src` * - * :kat:attr:`string material.interface..hints` * Assigning Materials ------------------- To assign a material to a location, set a ``materialAssign`` attribute on the target location pointing to the scene graph location of the material. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 80 - * Attribute * Description - * :kat:attr:`string materialAssign` * The scene graph location of the assigned material, for example :kat:loc:`/root/materials/material1`. Material Underlays ------------------ .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 80 - * Attribute * Description - * :kat:attr:`string material.underlayAttrs` * An attribute that, at material resolve time, is copied to the root level of the target location's attributes, and merged underneath any existing attribute values at that location. This allows, for example, custom "default" renderer object settings to be specified for locations, which can be overridden by any locally-set values. - * :kat:attr:`group info.material.underlayAttrs` * This is primarily for debug purposes. After the implicit resolve these attributes are moved so that you can still see which material underlays have been processed, but are no longer at risk of being resolved again. Viewer Shaders -------------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 80 - * Attribute * Description - * :kat:attr:`string material.viewerShaderSource` * Source of the Viewer shader.