=========== Change List =========== This section lists a set of high-level changes made to the Katana USD Plug-ins compared to the version shipped with the Pixar USD codebase on GitHub. 1) Node Type Names a) Removed the :kat:node:`Pxr` prefix from the node type names to make them match Katana naming conventions, eg. :kat:node:`UsdIn` instead of :kat:node:`PxrUsdIn`. See `Table of Name Changes`_. 2) Op Type Names a) In addition to changing the node type names, we also changed the name of the Op types to ensure we don't clash with externally-built Katana USD Plug-ins. 3) Attributes a) A list of changes to attributes can be found in the :ref:`Attribute_Changes` page. 4) CMake a) Added a `Support.cmake` file to support the Pixar macro usage in build scripts. b) Created a root `CMakeLists.txt` in order to replace the USD core `CMakeLists.txt`. c) Ensured the CMake builds work on Windows and Linux with Katana's `fnUsd` libraries. d) Using CMake configurations over absolute library paths for portability. 5) General Code a) Added `Bootstrap` to both `vmp` and `usdKatana` libraries to set up Katana plug-ins. b) Changed use of `std::regex` to `boost::regex` due to issues with GCC 4.8.x and C++11 `std::regex`. c) Patched issues with builds on Visual Studio 15. d) Modified `vtKatana` library to export `long` data type. e) Removed deprecated code support for RenderMan coshaders. f) Removed deprecated code for the USD `VMP`. g) Removed header files which were no longer used in `KatanaPluginApi`. h) Added support for flushing of caches to UsdIn Op type (was previously taken care of by removed USD VMP - see f)). 6) Updated Apache 2.0 licenses and added `NOTICE.txt`. 7) Updated `README.md` and added `BUILDING.md`. 8) Default Options a) Updated the default option for `USD_ABC_WRITE_UV_AS_ST_TEXCOORD2FARRAY` to be "true" from "false", to ensure the USD Alembic plug-in imports uv attributes into the st arbitrary attribute location; matching the behavior of :kat:node:`Alembic_In` nodes. 9) Our plug-in uses `fnpxr` python modules. Table of Name Changes --------------------- .. csv-table:: Node Types :header: "Original Node Type Name", "New Node Type Name" :widths: 30, 30 :kat:node:`PxrUsdIn`, :kat:node:`UsdIn` :kat:node:`PxrUsdInActivationSet`, :kat:node:`UsdInActivationSet` :kat:node:`PxrUsdInAttributeSet`, :kat:node:`UsdInAttributeSet` :kat:node:`PxrUsdInDefaultMotionSamples`, :kat:node:`UsdInDefaultMotionSamples` :kat:node:`PxrUsdInIsolate`, :kat:node:`UsdInIsolate` :kat:node:`PxrUsdInMotionOverrides`, :kat:node:`UsdInMotionOverrides` :kat:node:`PxrUsdInVariantSelect`, :kat:node:`UsdInVariantSelect` .. csv-table:: Op Types :header: "Original Op Type Name", "New Op Type Name" :widths: 30, 30 PxrUsdIn, UsdIn USDVMP, FnUSDVMP .. csv-table:: Other :header: "Original Name", "New Name", "Details" :widths: 30, 30, 40 PxrUsdInUtilExtraHintsDap, UsdInUtilExtraHintsDap, "UI tool" pxrUsdIn_argsCookTmpKey, UsdIn_argsCookTmpKey, "Cook temp key" PxrUsdInPrman_LocationDecorator, UsdInPrman_LocationDecorator, "Locator"