Popdown Labels ============== Popdown labels are labels that are shown with a menu indicator arrow, and that can be clicked to show a menu with certain menu items. The classes listed here are all derived from :py:class:`QT4Widgets.PopdownLabel`. Each class defines a :py:meth:`buildMenu()` function that populates the respective menu when a label defined by the respective class has been clicked. .. contents:: :local: UI4.Widgets.AssetIDLabel ------------------------ .. autoclass:: UI4.Widgets.AssetIDLabel() :kat:example_screenshot:`AssetIDLabel` UI4.Widgets.ProxyResCombo ------------------------- .. autoclass:: UI4.Widgets.ProxyResCombo() :kat:example_screenshot:`ProxyResCombo` UI4.Widgets.RoiCombo -------------------- .. autoclass:: UI4.Widgets.RoiCombo() :kat:example_screenshot:`RoiCombo`