Serializing Parameters

Serializing to String

Parameter.getXML(forcePersistant=False) → str

Returns a string representing the parameter definition as XML. If forcePersistant is True, will write all parameters, even the non-persistent.


Builds new parameters from an XML definition.

Parameter.replaceXML(xmlString, destroyChildren=1)

Redefines an existing parameter with an XML definition. Can optionally delete existing children.

Serializing to XmlIO


Builds xml element representing parameter data.

Parameter.getValueXmlIO(element, time) → None

Add this parameter’s value at a time to an XmlIO element. Set attributes on or add children to the given element.

Parameter.setValueXmlIO(element, time, final=True, sendNotifyMessage=True) → None

Set this parameter’s value from an XmlIO element. Read from attributes or children on the given element.


Builds new parameters from an xml element.

Parameter.replaceXmlIO(element, destroyChildren=True)

Redefines an existing parameter with an xml element. Can optionally delete existing children.