Widgets and Hints

Hint Types

Strings and Numbers

Integer, float or string hint values should use the common literal representation of such values (e.g. 1, 2.3, foo).


Boolean hint values can be specified using true or false. For historical reasons, the following strings are also accepted: yes, no, on, off, 1, 0.


List hint values can be specified either using a delimited string or a nested <hintlist> XML element. Strings are delimited using a pipe character (|). The following two forms are equivalent:

<param name="someParameter" widget="fileInput" fileTypes="exr|png"/>
<param name="anotherParameter" widget="fileInput">
  <hintlist name="fileTypes">
    <string value="exr"/>
    <string value="png"/>

Child elements of <hintlist> may be of type <int>, <float> or <string>, and may specify their value in either value or default properties.


Dictionary hint values can be specified using a delimited string or a nested <hintdict> XML element. Items in strings are delimited using a pipe character (|); keys and values are separated by a colon character (:). The following two forms are equivalent:

<param name="someParameter" widget="mapper" options="a:1.0|b:2.0|c:3.0"/>
<param name="anotherParameter" widget="mapper">
  <hintdict name="options">
    <float name="a" value="1.0"/>
    <float name="b" value="2.0"/>
    <float name="c" value="3.0"/>

Child elements of <hintdict> may be of type <int>, <float> or <string>, and may specify their value in either value or default attributes. They must also specify a name attribute.

Common Hints

The following hints are applicable to most widget types.

Hint Type Description
label String Alters the display name of the widget. Please use this rarely as it can create confusion with regards to expressions and NodegraphAPI scripting.
readOnly Boolean If true, the value of the corresponding parameter is not editable via the Parameters tab. This does not affect scripting.
infoText String Displays a line of informational text below the editing widget for the parameter. Please use this sparingly as the same mechanism is used for displaying error messages on some widget contexts.
externalEditorSuffix String The file extension to use for the temporary file that is created when External editor... is chosen from the parameter’s context menu.
help String See Help Text.
mono Boolean If true, text in the editing widget is displayed using a monospace font.

Pages and Groups


<page> and <group> elements use the group widget type be default. It supports these hints:

Hint Type Description
open Boolean If true, the page/group is expanded in the UI to reveal its contents.
closed Boolean If false, the page/group is expanded in the UI. Use open in preference to this hint.


The presetsGroup widget type for pages allows you to define default values for specific parameters that are contained in/on the respective group/page. Defining a presetsGroup for a specific page results in a menu that displays in the Parameters tab for the parameters.

Widget type-specific hints:

Hint Type Description
policies String Specifies the parameter names for which to set default values, separated by commas.
presets String Specifies the default values for the different presets. Each preset is defined by a name and a list of values, one for each parameter specified in the policies attribute. The value and parameter types need to match. Presets are separated by a pipe character (|).


Only floats, list of floats, and strings are allowed in the presets attribute.

In the example below, the <page> element’s widget is set to presetsGroup, and the element defines presets for four parameters: Kd, Kd_color, ColMap, and Ks. Each preset then contains four values: a float, a list of three floats (color), a string, and a float. For instance, the preset called Low contains the following values: 0.1,(0.1, 0.1, 0.1),"low_map",1.0.

<args format="1.0">
  <page name="Basics" open="True" widget='presetsGroup' policies='Kd,Kd_color,ColMap,Ks' presets='
      Low,0.1,(0.1, 0.1, 0.1),"low_map",1.0|
      Medium,0.4,(0.4, 0.4, 0.4),"mid_map",0.4|
      High,0.8,(0.8, 0.8, 0.8),"hi_map",0.5|
      MyPreset,1.0,(0.1, 0.2, 0.3),"Goofy",0.9'>

    <param name="Kd"/>
    <param name="Kd_color" widget="color"/>
    <param name="ColMap" widget="fileInput"/>
    <param name="Ks"/>
    <param name="Ks_color" widget="color"/>
    <param name="SpecularExponent"/>
    <param name="Ka"/>
    <param name="Ka_color" widget="color"/>
    <param name="opacity"/>
  <page name="Textures" open="True" hide="False">
    <param name="SpecMap" widget="fileInput"/>
    <param name="RepeatS" widget="boolean"/>
    <param name="RepeatT" widget="boolean"/>
  <page name="Bump Mapping" open="False">
    <param name="BumpMap" widget="fileInput"/>
    <param name="BumpVal"/>
  <page name="Reflection">
    <param name="EnvMap" widget="fileInput"/>
    <param name="EnvVal"/>
    <param name="UseFresnel" widget="boolean"/>
  <page name="Refraction">
    <param name="RefractMap" widget="fileInput"/>
    <param name="RefractVal"/>
    <param name="RefractEta"/>

Basic Widgets


Parameters that are hinted with the null widget type are effectively hidden from the UI: no widgets are created for them. No other hints are evaluated for this type of widget.


Displays widgets for entering numeric values.

This is the default widget type used for number parameters.

Widget type-specific hints:

Hint Type Description
min Float or integer Specifies the minimum value when dragging on a parameter’s label. Values entered via the text field are not clamped.
max Float or integer Specifies the maximum value when dragging on a parameter’s label. Values entered via the text field are not clamped.
sensitivity Float or integer Specifies the label drag increment.
digits Integer Specifies the number of digits to display after the decimal point. The default value of -1 indicates full precision.
int Boolean If true, floating-point parameter types are displayed as integers. This affects display and also applies clamping on numeric entry.
constant Boolean If true, animation via curves is disabled.
slider Boolean If true, a slider is displayed to the right of the text entry field.
slidermin Float or integer Specifies the minimum value of the slider.
slidermax Float or integer Specifies the maximum value of the slider.
slidercenter Float or integer Specifies the origin value of the slider.
sliderexponent Integer Specifies a non-linear scaling of the slider.
slidersensitivity Float or integer Specifies the sensitivity of the slider.


Displays a widget for entering text.

This is the default widget type used for string parameters.

Widget type-specific hints:

Hint Type Description
replaceRegex String A regular expression whose matching values will be replaced upon text entry. These characters are replaced by _ unless specified by a matching replaceWith hint.
replaceWith String

Used with replaceRegex to filter characters on text entry. For example:

<param name="someParameter" replaceRegex="[^A-Za-z0-9_ ]" replaceWith=" "/>


Displays a check box widget. When applied to string parameters, either Yes or No are set as values. When applied to numeric parameters, either 0 or 1 are applied. It has no widget type-specific hints.


Displays a widget for picking color component values.

Can be used for number parameters.

Widget type-specific hints:

Hint Type Description
color_enableFilmlookVis Boolean Enable Filmlook visualization.
color_enableNoFilmlookColorSpace Boolean Enable No-Filmlook colorspace.
color_restrictComponents Boolean Restrict color components to the range 0 –> 1.


Displays a widget for entering and jumping to a scene graph location path.

Can be used for string parameters.

Widget type-specific hints:

Hint Type Description
allowRelativePath Boolean If true, relative scene graph location paths are allowed.
adjustRelativeToPath String If defined, the Adjust Path Relative To <path> menu command is available from the widget. When chosen, the absolute path stored in the parameter is transformed to a relative path. The path is relative to the scene graph location stored in the parameter given in this hint.
allowAdoptScenegraphSelection Boolean If true, the Adopt Scene Graph Selection menu command is available from the widget.
omitEmptyWarning Boolean If true, a warning icon is not displayed in the widget when zero paths are present.


Displays a CEL statement widget.

Can be used for string parameters.

Widget type-specific hints:

Hint Type Description
omitEmptyWarning Boolean See above.


Displays a multi-line text field.

Can be used for string parameters.


Displays a multi-line text field for entering a script.

Can be used for string parameters.

Widget type-specific hints:

Hint Type Description
resistLabelResize Boolean If true, the size of the widget’s label is minimized. This gives the script editor more space at the expense of its left edge not lining up with nearby widgets.
supportsNonmodalExternalEditing String If true, a Edit in External Editor button is displayed above the text field.
highlighter String The syntax highlighter to use. Currently only “python” is supported.


Displays a button that executes a Python script when pressed. All submodules from the Katana module are available from within the script. Additionally, the following local variables are available:


The parameter object corresponding to the script button.


The node object that owns the parameter corresponding to the script button.


Exits the script button script.

Can be used for string parameters.

Widget type-specific hints:

Hint Type Description
buttonText String The text to display on the button.
scriptText String The Python script to execute when the button is pressed.

Pull-down Widgets


Like checkBox, but displayed as a menu.


The mapper widget presents a pop-up menu with associative choices. Each value has an associated display value. For example:

<param name="opacity" widget="mapper">
  <hintdict name="options">
    <float value="0.0" name="A"/>
    <float value="0.5" name="B"/>
    <float value="1.0" name="C"/>

Can be used for string parameters.

Widget type-specific hints:

Hint Type Description
options Dictionary

The dictionary keys are the ordered display values of the pop-up menu. Each is paired with a unique literal value for the parameter. This may be specified as either a string property of a <hintdict> child element. The following options are equivalent:

<param name="someParameter" widget="mapper" options="a:1.0|b:2.0|c:3.0"/>
<param name="anotherParameter" widget="mapper">
  <hintdict name="options">
    <float name="a" value="1.0"/>
    <float name="b" value="2.0"/>
    <float name="c" value="3.0"/>
options__order List When options is a dictionary, options__order defines the order of keys.


The nonexclusiveCheckboxPopup widget allows multiple options to be chosen from a pop-up menu.

Widget type-specific hints:

Hint Type Description
emptyLabel String The text to display when no option is chosen.


The resolution widget shows a list of pre-defined resolutions in addition to allowing a resolution to be entered manually.

Widget type-specific hints:

Hint Type Description
hideNumberFields String If true, widgets for entering a resolution numerically are hidden.

File Widgets


The assetIdInput widget allows an asset to be chosen using the current asset plug-in’s browser or the built-in file browser.

Widget type-specific hints:

Hint Type Description
fileTypes List of strings Specifies the default file extensions to filter by in the dialog.
sequenceListing Boolean If true, file sequences can be chosen from the file browser.
acceptDir Boolean If true, directories can be chosen from the file browser.
dirsOnly Boolean If true, only directories can be chosen from the file browser.


Like assetIdInput, except that file paths that do not yet exist on disk can be chosen.


Like assetIdInput, except that the default Katana file widget and browser are used, rather than the delegate and browser provided by the current asset plug-in.

Array Widgets

Katana determines whether a parameter should be declared as an array by inspecting its type and default value. For shaders, the renderer plug-in is responsible for supplying this information. In other cases, the default or value XML attribute is used and delimited by the comma character (,).

Any widget assigned to an array parameter is used to display the entire array, rather than used once per element. Only certain widget types are equipped to work with arrays. In addition to those listed below, the string and number widget types can work with arrays of any size, and the color widget type works with 3- or 4-element arrays.

Dynamic arrays allow the addition, re-ordering and removal of array elements. All dynamic arrays should set the isDynamicArray hint to true.

The following hints are broadly applicable to arrays:

Hint Type Description
size Integer Specifies the size of the array. This is only needed when writing Args Files for Procedurals.
isDynamicArray Boolean Specifies whether the array can expand and contract.
tupleSize Integer

Specifies the tuple size (column count). The following example displays two rows and three columns:

<float name="bbox" default="0,0,0,1,1,1" tupleSize="3"/>


The sortableDelimitedString widget shows a dynamic array of string widgets.

Widget type-specific hints:

Hint Type Description
size Integer Specifies the size of the array. This is only needed when writing Args Files for Procedurals.
isDynamicArray Boolean Must be true.
tupleSize Integer Specifies the tuple size (column count).
delimiter String Delimiter used to split the default value. Defaults to a pipe character (|).
childHints Dictionary Hints to pass to underlying string widget.


The scenegraphLocationArray widget shows a dynamic array of scenegraphLocation widgets. It supports the size, isDynamicArray and tupleSize hints


The dynamicArray widget shows a dynamic array of widgets of a particular type. All widget hints are passed through to the child widgets. Each child widget handles tupleSize*tupleGroupSize array elements.

For example, to display a dynamic array with 2 default colors:


To display a dynamic array of 2 4x4 matrices:


Widget type-specific hints:

Hint Type Description
size Integer Specifies the size of the array. This is only needed when writing Args Files for Procedurals.
isDynamicArray Boolean Must be true.
tupleSize Integer Specifies the tuple size (column count). This is passed to the child widgets.
tupleGroupSize Integer Specifies the number of tuples each child widget should handle.
panelWidget String Specifies the widget type to use for child widgets. If not given, string or number are used.

Ramp Widgets

Color ramp widgets allow users to define a color gradient. Float ramp widgets allow users to define a curve.

Both types of widgets allow users to define ramps through a series of knots. Each knot is defined through its position on the ramp and its value at that position. The value of a knot is either a set of three floating-point numbers representing a color (color ramp) or a single floating-point number representing the Y coordinate of a point on a curve (float ramp).

A number of presets are available for users to choose from for individual color and float ramp widgets.

Both types of widgets support two different structures for their underlying parameters. They work with either one of:

  1. A set of sibling parameters. This structure is typically used for shader parameters, where grouping of parameters is only available via pages.
  2. A group parameter with a set of child parameters. This structure is typically used for user parameters.

In both cases, the widget type (one of colorRamp or floatRamp) and hints are defined on the main parameter. In both cases, ramps are defined by number array parameters that are considered companion parameters of the main parameter.

Widget type-specific hints:

Hint Type Description
gradientHeight Integer (Color ramps only) The height of the gradient widget.
rampInterp String Defines the name of the interpolation parameter to use.
rampKnots String Defines the name of the knots parameter to use.
rampColors String (Color ramps only) Defines the name of the colors parameter to use.
rampFloats String (Float ramps only) Defines the name of the floats parameter to use.


The following parameters are required in order to use a color ramp widget based on a set of sibling parameters:

  • A number parameter that acts as the main parameter for the widget. The value of the parameter is interpreted as the number of knots that define the ramp. The parameter can have any name; here we use myRamp.
  • A string parameter to define the interpolator to use for interpolating values in between two adjacent knots, named like myRamp_Interpolation.
  • A number array parameter for knot positions, named like myRamp_Knots.
  • A number array parameter for knot values, named like myRamp_Colors. Each value in myRamp_Knots corresponds to three values in myRamp_Colors.


<param name='myRamp' type='int' widget='colorRamp'/>
<param name='myRamp_Interpolation' type='string' widget='null'
  default='linear' options='linear|catmull-rom|bspline'/>
<param name='myRamp_Knots' type='float' widget='null'
  default='0,0,0.5,1,1' size='5' isDynamicArray='1'/>
<param name='myRamp_Colors' type='float' widget='null'
  default='1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1' size='15' isDynamicArray='1' />


Float ramps use a similar parameter structure to color ramps, except that the myRamp_Colors parameter, which contains three values per knot, is replaced by a myRamp_Floats parameter containing one value per knot.

Conditional Visibility and Locking

Conditional Visibility and Conditional Locking allow for parameters and pages to be conditionally visible or locked (against edits) based on value comparisons of referenced other parameters. Hints representing the parse tree of a conditional statement are supported as string hints or string entries within a dictionary hint.

When specifying hints for visibility, the root hint is named conditionalVisOp. For locking, it’s conditionalLockOp. When using a <hintdict> element to store the hints, that <hintdict> itself is named conditionalVisOps and conditionalLockOps respectively. All examples will be displayed in the <hintdict> form and describe conditional visibility.

Each conditional is specified with a prefix name suffixed with Op. The prefix for the root-level condition is always conditionalVis. Operators which compare values address the referenced parameters via POSIX-style paths relative to the parameter or page on which the hint is defined. Page names are included in the parameter path. A conditional expression which evaluates to false results in the hinted widget being hidden. Comparison values are always specified as strings and converted to the type of the parameter against which they’re compared. The available operators and their operands are:

Operator Operand 1 Operand 2 Description
isEqualTo prefixPath prefixValue Does an equality test with the value specified by prefixPath of the specified parameter against the provided prefixValue.
isNotEqualTo prefixPath prefixValue See above.
isGreaterThan prefixPath prefixValue Does an comparison test with the value specified by prefixPath of the specified parameter against the provided prefixValue.
isLessThan prefixPath prefixValue See above.
isGreaterThanOrEqualTo prefixPath prefixValue See above.
isLessThanOrEqualTo prefixPath prefixValue See above.
and prefixLeft prefixRight The values of the prefixLeft and prefixRight operands are the prefixes of additional conditional operators. If both evaluate to true, this operator also evaluates to true.
or prefixLeft prefixRight The values of the prefixLeft and prefixRight operands are the prefixes of additional conditional operators. If either evaluate to true, this operator also evaluates to true.

Here is a simple example in which we’ll hint a subpage to be visible only if the parameter value of its peer is non-zero:

<page name="Lighting">
  <param name="someParameter"/>
  <param name="showAdvancedOptions" widget="checkBox"/>
  <page name="Advanced">
    <hintdict name="conditionalVisOps">
      <string name="conditionalVisOp" value="notEqualTo"/>
      <string name="conditionalVisPath" value="../showAdvancedOptions"/>
      <string name="conditionalVisValue" value="0"/>
    <param name="anotherParameter"/>

Another example demonstrating the or operator and the relationship of prefix in the operand values. This will display the “Advanced” page if either the showAdvancedOptions parameter is non-zero or the someParameter value is greater than 1.0:

<page name="Lighting">
  <param name="someParameter"/>
  <param name="showAdvancedOptions" widget="checkBox"/>
  <page name="Advanced">
    <hintdict name="conditionalVisOps">
      <string name="conditionalVisOp" value="or"/>
      <string name="conditionalVisLeft" value="conditionalVis1"/>
      <string name="conditionalVisRight" value="conditionalVis2"/>
      <string name="conditionalVis1Op" value="notEqualTo"/>
      <string name="conditionalVis1Path" value="../showAdvancedOptions"/>
      <string name="conditionalVis1Value" value="0"/>
      <string name="conditionalVis2Op" value="isGreaterThan"/>
      <string name="conditionalVis2Path" value="../someParameter"/>
      <string name="conditionalVis2Value" value="1.0"/>
    <param name="anotherParameter"/>

Please note that only the root operation is required to have a prefix starting with conditionalVis. The prefixes of the second and third operations are defined here by the values of conditionalVisLeft and conditionalVisRight - and could be anything.