Look Files (Python)

LookFile Reading

class FnGeolibServices.LookFile.AttrMap

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

LookFile AttrMap storage


x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

get(key: unicode) → object

Returns the value for the given key, or None if the key doesn’t exist in this AttrMap.

getKeys() → PyFnAttribute.StringAttribute

Returns a StringAttribute whose values at sample time 0.0 are all key names in this AttrMap.

class FnGeolibServices.LookFile.LookFile

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

LookFile reading

__init__(filePath: unicode, passName: unicode = u'') → None
getAttrs(locationName: unicode, rootId: unicode = u'') → PyFnGeolibServices.LookFile.AttrMap

Returns an AttrMap containing the scene graph attributes at the given locationName, optionally under the given rootId.

getMaterial(materialName: unicode, asGlobal: bool = True) → PyFnAttribute.Attribute

Returns the named material as a GroupAttribute. If asGlobal is True, it will be returned as a global attribute.

getMaterialType(materialName: unicode) → str

Returns the type of the named material.

getMaterials() → PyFnGeolibServices.LookFile.AttrMap

Return all materials contained in this LookFile as an AttrMap.

static getPassNamesForLookFileAsset(asset: unicode) → object

Returns a StringAttribute containing the pass names relevant to the named asset.

getPathsWithOverrides(rootId: unicode = u'') → PyFnAttribute.StringAttribute

Returns a StringAttribute containing all paths with overrides, optionally under the given rootId.

getRootIdNames() → PyFnAttribute.StringAttribute

Returns all root ID names contained in this LookFile as a StringAttribute.

getRootIdType(rootId: unicode) → str

Returns the type of the named rootId.

getRootOverrides() → PyFnGeolibServices.LookFile.AttrMap

Returns all root overrides as an AttrMap.

static getSafePath(asset: unicode, includeVersion: bool = False) → PyFnAttribute.StringAttribute

Returns the safe path of the named asset, optionally including its version number, as a StringAttribute.