Op Args Builders (Python)


class FnGeolibServices.OpArgsBuilders.AttributeSet

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

Utility class for constructing AttributeSet Op Args

__init__() → None
addSubOp(opType: unicode, opArgs: PyFnAttribute.GroupAttribute, batch: unicode = u'') → None

Adds an exec Op with the given opType and opArgs to the AttributeSet Op args being built, optionally to the given batch.

build() → PyFnAttribute.GroupAttribute

Returns the GroupAttribute constructed by this builder.

deleteAttr(attrName: unicode, batch: unicode = u'') → None

Marks the given attrName for removal in the AttributeSet Op args being built, in batch if given.

setAttr(attrName: unicode, attr: PyFnAttribute.Attribute, batch: unicode = u'', inherit: bool = True) → None

Sets the attribute attrName to the given attr in the AttributeSet Op args being built, optionally to the given batch.

setCEL(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. setCEL(self: PyFnGeolibServices.OpArgsBuilders.AttributeSet, cel: PyFnAttribute.StringAttribute, batch: unicode = u’‘) -> None

Adds the CEL statement contained in the StringAttribute cel to the AttributeSet Op args being built, optionally to the given batch.

  1. setCEL(self: PyFnGeolibServices.OpArgsBuilders.AttributeSet, cels: List[unicode], batch: unicode = u’‘) -> None

Adds the CEL statements in the list cels to the AttributeSet Op args being built, optionally to the given batch.

setLocationPaths(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. setLocationPaths(self: PyFnGeolibServices.OpArgsBuilders.AttributeSet, locationPath: PyFnAttribute.StringAttribute, batch: unicode = u’‘) -> None

Adds the paths contained in the StringAttribute locationPaths to the AttributeSet Op args being built, optionally to the given batch.

  1. setLocationPaths(self: PyFnGeolibServices.OpArgsBuilders.AttributeSet, locationPaths: List[unicode], batch: unicode = u’‘) -> None

Adds the paths contained in the list locationPaths to the AttributeSet Op args being built, optionally to the given batch.

class FnGeolibServices.OpArgsBuilders.StaticSceneCreate

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

Utility class for constructing StaticSceneCreate Op Args

__init__(pathsAreAbsolute: bool = True) → None
addSubOpAtLocation(locationPath: unicode, opType: unicode, opArgs: PyFnAttribute.GroupAttribute) → None

locationPath in the StaticSceneCreate Op args being built.

build() → PyFnAttribute.GroupAttribute

Returns the GroupAttribute constructed by this builder.

createEmptyLocation(locationPath: unicode, locationType: unicode = u'') → None

Adds an empty scene graph location with path locationPath and type locationType to the StaticSceneGraph Op args being built.

setAttrAtLocation(locationPath: unicode, attrName: unicode, attr: PyFnAttribute.Attribute) → None

Sets the given attrs at the named scene graph location, creating it if it doesn’t yet exist.

setAttrsAtLeafStateForLocation(locationPath: unicode, state: bool) → None

Sets the setAttrsAtLeafState flag for the named location.

skipLocalActionsIfInputExistsAtLocation(locationPath: unicode, state: bool) → None

Sets the skipLocalActionsIfInputExists flag for the named location.