Installing on Windows

To install Katana on Windows , see either:

Installing Katana with the User Interface (UI)

Installing Katana from the Command-Line

Installing Katana with the User Interface (UI)

To install Katana on Windows using the standard, user interface method, follow the instructions below:

1.   Download the correct .zip installation file from our website at
2.   Extract the .exe installation file from the .zip file
3.   Double-click on the .exe installation file to install Katana.
4.   Follow the on-screen instructions. By default, Katana is installed to drive letter:\Program Files\Katana5.0v7.
5.   Proceed to Licensing Katana on Windows .

Installing Katana from the Command-Line

To install Katana on Windows from the command-line, follow the instructions below:

1.   Download the correct .exe installation file from our website at
2.   Extract the .exe installation file from the .zip file.
3.   To open a command prompt window, select Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.
4.   Use the cd (change directory) command to move to the directory where you saved the .exe installation file. For example, if you saved the .exe installation file in C:\Temp, use the following command and press Return:

cd \Temp

5.   To install Katana, do one of the following:

To install Katana to the current directory and display the installation dialog, type the name of the install file without the file extension and press Return:


To install Katana to a specified directory and display the installation dialog, use the /dir install option:

Katana5.0v7-win-x86-release-64 /dir="C:\Katana"

To install Katana silently so that the installer does not prompt you for anything but displays a progress bar, enter /silent after the installation command:

Katana5.0v7-win-x86-release-64 /silent

To install Katana silently so that nothing is displayed, enter /verysilent after the installation command:

Katana5.0v7-win-x86-release-64 /verysilent

To install Katana, but not 3Delight, use the /components option:

Katana5.0v7-win-x86-release-64 /components="!delight"

Note:  This option does not stop Katana loading the 3Delight renderer at start up if it already exists on the local machine.

You can also use a combination of install options:

Katana5.0v7-win-x86-release-64 /silent /dir="C:\Katana" /components="!delight"

Note:  By using the /silent or /verysilent install options, you agree to the terms of the Katana End User Licensing Agreement. To see this agreement, please refer to End User License Agreement (EULA).