Changing the Overall Viewer Behavior

To change the overall shading model, select Display > [shading model]:

Viewer Behavior


Points - this displays the current 3D scene with each vertex (or control point for a NURBS patch) as a point.

Wireframe (or press 4) - this displays the current 3D scene with each edge (or surface curve for a NURBS patch) as a line.

Simple Shaded (or press 6) - this displays the current 3D scene with a very simple shader, ignoring scene lights and shadows.

Shaded (raw)- this displays the current 3D scene with each object using its Viewer shader (or the default if none is assigned).

Adding a Viewer shader is covered in Managing Color


Shaded (filmlook) (or press 5) - this is identical to the Shaded (raw) shading model but applies an adjustment designed to
approximate the filmlook OpenColorIO LUT. For more information on OpenColorIO within Katana see Managing Color.


Note:  As Shaded (raw) and Shaded (filmlook) use OpenGL shaders, and not the shaders used for the final render the Viewer can display a drastically different look to your final render depending on how closely the OpenGL shaders matches the production shaders.