Curve Parameters


Parameter.isAnimated() bool

Returns whether this parameter contains keyframes to interpolate its value.

Parameter.hasKey(time: float) bool

Returns whether this parameter has a keyed value at the given time.

Parameter.getKeys() List[float]

Returns a list of key times for this parameter.

Parameter.setKey(time: float, sendNotifyMessage: bool = True) None

Sets this parameter’s value at the given time as an animated key value.

Parameter.moveKeys(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. moveKeys(self: NodegraphAPI_cmodule.Parameter, times: List[float], dt: float) -> None

Moves keys at the given times, by deleting and recreating them, by the given time offset dt.

  1. moveKeys(self: NodegraphAPI_cmodule.Parameter, times: Set[float], dt: float) -> None

Move keys at the given times, by deleting and recreating them, by the given time offset dt.

Parameter.removeKey(time: float) None

Unsets a keyed value at the given time.

Parameter.removeKeys(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. removeKeys(self: NodegraphAPI_cmodule.Parameter, times: List[float]) -> None

Unsets keyed values at all given times.

  1. removeKeys(self: NodegraphAPI_cmodule.Parameter, times: Set[float]) -> None

Unsets keyed values at all given times.

Parameter.makeConstant(time: float) None

Sets this number parameter to a constant value (resetting the curve or expression, if present). The new value will be the previous animated value at time.

Auto Key

Parameter.getAutoKey() bool

Returns whether this parameter’s autokey flag is set; if True, setValue() will automatically create keys as required.

Parameter.setAutoKey(value: bool) None

Sets this parameter’s autopkey flag; if True, setValue() will automatically create keys as required.

Parameter.setValueAutoKey(value: object, time: float, final: bool = True) None

Sets the value of this parameter at the given time, automatically adding a keyframe if required. If this is an interactive change, set final to False to avoid redundant nodegraph messages.

Floating Curves

Floating curves are used to register temporary value changes that have not yet been committed. These temporary curves are wiped out whenever the user changes the current frame.

Parameter.hasFloatingCurve() bool

Returns whether this number parameter currently has a floating curve.

Parameter.resetFloatingCurve() None

Removes any floating curve from this number parameter.


Parameter.getCurve() object

Returns the FCurve representing the animated values for this parameter.

Parameter.setCurve(curve: SPI_FN::FCurveLib::v19::FCurve, final: bool = True) None

Sets the FCurve representing the animated values for this number parameter.