
This node allows you to rotate, flip, and flop the input image around its center. A flip on the x axis mirrors the image vertically. A flop on the on the y axis mirrors the image horizontally.

Connection Type

Connection Name




The image sequence that you want to orient.



An optional image to use as a mask. By default, the merge is limited to the non-black areas of the mask.


Control (UI)

Default Value


[2D node controls]


Set the controls for the stereo view.

For more information, refer to the Common 2D Nodes Widget Type in Common Parameter Widgets.

ImageOrient parameters continued


No Change

Select how to rotate the input image:

No Change - Do not rotate the image.

Rotate 90 - Rotate the image 90 degrees clockwise.

Rotate 180 - Rotate the image 180 degrees clockwise.

Rotate 270 - Rotate the image 270 degrees clockwise.

Flip - Mirror the image vertically (turning the image upside down).

Flop - Mirror the image horizontally.

FlipFlop - Mirror the image vertically and horizontally. This is the same as Rotate 180.