Asset Render Widget

The Asset Widget Delegate allows customization of the display of the render output location shown in a Render node’s Parameters tab. This is useful for when rendering to a location in a custom asset management system.

This output location could be an automatically generated temporary path or one set explicitly using a Render Output Define node. It is set on a Render Node and therefore the Asset Render Widget is read-only.

Implementing an Asset Render Widget

Implementing an Asset Render Widget is optional. The Asset Management user interface does not require this. The entry point for a custom widget delegate is similar to that of the Asset Control Widget.

The Asset Widget Delegate must implement createAssetRenderWidget(), which in turn must return a class that inherits from baseAssetWidgetDelegate() and implements two methods, buildWidgets() and updateWidgets().

createAssetRenderWidget() has an additional outputInfo argument, which is a dictionary of output information and must be passed to the BaseAssetRenderWidget constructor. The outputInfo dictionary contains the output location’s Asset ID along with additional information (such as the image file type and resolution). BaseAssetRenderWidget provides a utility method, getOutputInfo() for accessing this dictionary.

The key for the Asset ID of the output location is outputLocation.