The C++ API

You can implement an Asset plug-in in C++ as well as in Python. This is done by inheriting from the FnAsset class in the C++ plug-in SDK. Almost exactly the same methods must be implemented in C++ as in Python.

It is not possible to implement a custom Asset Browser, Asset Control Widget or Asset Render Widget via the C++ plug-in SDK. However, these user interfaces can still be implemented in Python and work alongside a C++ Asset Management Plug-in.

Asset management plug-ins implemented in C++ and Python are accessed via the same Python interface inside of Katana and similarly, C++ plug-ins that make use of an asset management plug-in have access to those implemented in Python and in C++.

In order for Katana to load a custom asset management plug-in, it must be compiled as a shared object and placed in a directory called Libs inside your KATANA_RESOURCES directory.