Available Extrapolation Functions

Extrapolation functions are used to extend the behavior of a curve before the first keyframe and after the final keyframe. The available options are:


The cycle extrapolation function repeats the curve an infinite number of times either before (if applied to the segment before the first keyframe) or after (if applied to the segment after the last keyframe).


The cycle_offset segment function only works on the segments at the start or end of a curve. It should not be used on a keyframe. It repeats the curve an infinite number of times; each time the curve repeats the new beginning keyframe starts from the end keyframe from the previous cycle, thus offsetting the curve.


The mirror segment function only works on the segments at the start and end of a curve. It continuously flips the curve vertically.

Tip:  It is also possible for you to type your own segment or extrapolation function in the dropdown menu. The function must use Python syntax:
x( ) can be used to represent the current frame. For instance, sin(x( )*pi/20).