Changing the Displayed Frame Range

There are multiple ways for you to change the frame range displayed within the Dope Sheet. You can:

Scroll the mouse-wheel; to zoom in scroll up and to zoom out scroll down.

Alt+middle-click and drag.

Press the + (Plus) key to zoom in or the - (Minus) key to zoom out.

Right-click and select Frame All (or press A) to have the frame range zoom to fit all the keyframes.

Right-click and select Frame Selected (or press F) to have the frame range zoom to fit only the selected keyframes.

Right-click and select Frame Global In/Out (or press Home) to have the frame range go from the project settings’ inTime to the project settings’ outTime.

Right-click and select Frame Working In/Out (or press W) to have the frame range go from In to Out from the Timeline.

To pan the displayed frame range within the Dope Sheet, middle-click and drag.