Selecting and Moving Keyframes
You can selecting keyframes by clicking on them or by marquee dragging over them. If you want to select all keyframes for a curve, double click the curve. To add a keyframe to the current selection, hold Shift while selecting the keyframe(s). If you want to remove that keyframe again, or any keyframe in the selection, hold Ctrl while selecting the keyframe(s).
You have two ways to move keyframes within the Curve Editor: using the mouse or using the X and Y input fields.
To move keyframes using the mouse:
1. | Select the keyframe(s) you want to move. |
2. | Click-and-drag one of the selected keyframes. |
To move a single keyframe using the input fields:
1. | Select the keyframe you want to move. |
2. | Make any changes in the input fields below the graph: |
• Enter a new frame number in the X input field.
• Enter a new value in the Y input field.
The values entered into X and Y are absolute and not relative. For instance, entering 10 in the X input field, moves the keyframe to frame 10.
To move multiple keyframes using the input fields:
1. | Select the keyframes you want to move. |
2. | Make any changes in the input fields below the graph. All changes are relative, for instance 3 would add 3 to the current value or frame number and -3 would subtract 3 from the current value or frame number: |
• Enter a relative frame number in the X+ input field.
• Enter a relative value in the Y+ input field.