Changing the UV Viewer Display

You can customize how the UV Viewer displays textures, UVs, and the labels that are displayed.

To toggle whether selected faces are shown in isolation select Display > Isolate Selection. If active, when faces are selected all other faces become hidden.

To change the labels for each tile, select Display > Tile Position Labels > .... The following options are available:

Off - hides the position labels.

Show Tile Co-ordinates - displays the UV space coordinates of the tile, for instance 1, 0.

Show Tile IDs - displays the tile name based on its tile texture name. This is dependent on the tile format in use, for instance u1_v2 for textures saved using the Mudbox file naming format and 1002 for textures saved using the UDIM file naming format.

To show the texture resolution for any textures, select Display > Show Texture Resolution.

To only display textures when contained within a face, select Display > Clip Textures to Poly.