Navigating in the UV Viewer Tab

Moving around inside the UV Viewer is done in a similar manner to moving in the Node Graph tab.


Middle-click and drag the mouse pointer over the grid within the UV Viewer. The UV space moves with your pointer.


There are multiple options for zooming into or out from the UV grid.

To zoom in, move your mouse pointer over the area you want to zoom in on, and:

Press + (Plus key) repeatedly until the UV Viewer displays the UV space at the desired scale.

Alt+left/right-click and drag right.

Scroll up with the mouse wheel.

To zoom out, move your mouse pointer over the area you want to zoom out from, and then:

Press - (Minus key) repeatedly until the UV Viewer displays the UV space at the desired scale.

Alt+left/right-click and drag left.

Scroll down with the mouse wheel.


To change the framing within the UV Viewer, you can:

Press A to frame all the UVs.

Press F to frame the currently selected UVs.

Select the coordinate space from the Frame UV dropdown towards the top of the UV Viewer tab, for instance 0, 0.