Setting the Temporary File Directory

When launching Katana, a temporary folder is created in the standard directory of temporary files and folders. This is used to store data, such as caches for instance, for the current session.

The name of the Katana temporary directory uses the following pattern: katana_tmpdir_[process-ID]

By default, the Katana temporary directory is created in the folder as returned by the tempfile.gettempdir() function from the tempfile module in the Python Standard Library. You can override the directory by setting the TMPDIR environment variable to a specific file system location.

You can obtain the exact file system location that Katana uses through the KATANA_TMPDIR environment variable, which, when interrogated from within a running Katana session, may contain value like the following: /tmp/katana_tmpdir_26458

Note:  The Katana temporary directory is removed once the Katana session terminates.