Adding an Aim Constraint to a Light

Lights created inside the GafferThree node come with the ability to use an aim constraint. Using an aim constraint makes the light point at an object (the target) within the scene.

To add an aim constraint to a light:

1.   In the Parameters tab, select the light within the Gaffer object table.
2.   In the Object sub-tab of the Gaffer object table, select the enable aim constraint checkbox.

The aim constraint options grouping displays.

3.   In the aim constraint options grouping, enter the aim target in targetPath (for more details on how to enter a scene graph location, see Manipulating a Scene Graph Location Parameter).

To change the aim constraint’s center point, select from the targetOrigin dropdown:

Object - the point defined by the transform of the object.

Bounding Box - the center of the bounding box.

Face Center Average - the average from all the face centers.

Face Bounding Box - the bounding box of all the faces.

Note:  Using Face Center Average or Face Bounding Box could be slow for heavy geometry.