Making Use of Rigs
Rigs create a scene graph group complete with transform attributes and the ability to easily add constraints. Lights created below the rig inherit its transformations, which enables you to move the lights around as one. Rigs can also be exported and imported.
Creating a Rig
In the GafferThree node’s Parameters tab, right-click in the Gaffer object table and select Add > Rig or press R. A rig is created in the Gaffer object table.
Note: You can also nest rigs. Simply right-click on an existing rig and select Add > Rig or press R.
Adding a Light to a Rig
In the Gaffer object table, right-click on a rig and select Add > Light or press L. A light is created under the rig location.
Note: You can expand or collapse the lights nested under a rig location. Simply right-click on a rig and select the required option from the dropdown menu.
Importing a Rig
1. | In the GafferThree node’s Parameters tab, right-click a location within the Gaffer object table and select Add > Import Rig.... |
The Import Rig dialog displays.
2. | Select the rig file in the dialog and click Accept. |
The rig is imported under the selected location.
Exporting a Rig
1. | Right-click on the rig to export and select Export Rig. |
The Export Rig dialog displays.
2. | Navigate within the dialog to where you wish to save the rig and enter a rig name. |
3. | Click Accept. |
The rig is saved with a .rig file extension.
Adding a Point Constraint to a Rig
To add a point constraint:
1. | Select the rig and click the Parameters > Object sub-tab. |
2. | Check enable point constraint and open the point constraint options parameter grouping. |
3. | Enter the scene graph location for the target in the targetPath parameter. For more on using scene graph location parameters, see Manipulating a Scene Graph Location Parameter. |
4. | Click the targetOrigin dropdown and select the part of the target to use as the point constraint: |
• Object - the object’s transform position is used.
• Bounding Box - the center of the object’s bounding box is used.
• Face Center Average - the center of all the faces for the object are averaged to create the point constraint position.
• Face Bounding Box - the center of the face’s bounding box is used.
Adding an Orient Constraint to a Rig
To add an orient constraint:
1. | Select the rig and click the Parameters > Object sub-tab. |
2. | Check enable orient constraint and open the orient constraint options parameter grouping. |
3. | Enter the scene graph location for the target in the targetPath parameter. For more on using scene graph location parameters, see Manipulating a Scene Graph Location Parameter. |
4. | Select the axes to constrain (by default, it’s all three). To remove the constraint for any of the individual axes, click the checkbox to disable it. |