Activating Look File Lights and Constraints

Katana maintains a list of lights, cameras, and constraints at /root/world within the scene graph. When a Look File brings in a light or constraint, the lists at /root/world need to be updated. The LookFileLightAndConstraintActivator node activates Look File lights and constraints by updating the respective lists. It is also used to add constraints from LookFiles to the global constraint list. This list is used to specify the order in which constraints are evaluated, so this only has to be done if the constraints from the LookFile need to be evaluated in a specific order.

To activate lights and constraints from within a look file:

1.   Create a LookFileLightAndConstraintActivator node and connect it to the recipe at some point downstream of a LookFileResolve or LookFileManager node.
2.   Select the LookFileLightAndConstraintActivator node and press Alt+E.

The LookFileLightAndConstraintActivator node becomes editable within the Parameters tab.

3.   Find the lights or constraints to activate by either:

selecting Action > Search Entire Incoming Scene...,


selecting a location within the scene graph and then selecting Action > Search Incoming Scene From Scene graph Selection... .

Any look files with lights or constraints, found during the search, populate the node’s hierarchical display (located below the Action menu in the Parameter tab).

4.   Enable the lights and constraints for activation by right-clicking the .klf file in the hierarchical display and selecting Enable (or expanding the hierarchy and doing it individually).