Using Look Files as Default Settings

It is often desirable to have consistent default render settings across an entire show. Most render settings reside in the scene graph at /root. These settings can be stored in a Katana look file and brought in to each recipe of a show.

Creating a look file for a show’s default settings is the same as creating any other look file but you need to have the look file record changes at /root, which is not recorded by default.

Saving Changes to /root as Part of a Look File

With the LookFileBake node’s parameters in the Parameter’s tab, open up the options parameter grouping and select Yes for the includeGlobalAttributes dropdown.

The look file now records changes to /root.

Setting a Globals Look File for a Recipe

Look files for assets are assigned to the location of the asset. As a look file for a show’s settings is designed to repeat the changes made to /root, a LookFileGlobalsAssign node associates a look file with the /root location (this can also be achieved with the LookFileManager node, see Assigning and Unassigning a Global Look File).

To have a look file associated with /root:

1.   Create a LookFileGlobalsAssign node and connect it to the recipe at the point you want to setup the show’s default settings.
2.   Select the LookFileGlobalsAssign node and press Alt+E.

The LookFileGlobalsAssign node becomes editable within the Parameters tab.

3.   Enter the look file to use in the asset parameter.
4.   If you want the look file to be resolved immediately, select Yes from the resolveImmediately dropdown.

Tip:  You can force a reload of the look file at anytime by either: clicking the Flush Look File Cache button in the Parameter tab (when the LookFileGlobalsAssign node is editable), or by clicking at the top of the Katana window.