Resolving Look Files

A look file is assigned to a location in much the same way a material is assigned. An attribute on the location, lookfile.asset in this case, stores where to retrieve the look file without actually copying the details to that location. In order to apply the changes specified in the look file for a particular pass, use a LookFileResolve node. The alternate, and preferred method, is to use the LookFileManager node, see Making Look Files Easier with the LookFileManager.

To resolve the look file for a particular pass:

1.   Create a LookFileResolve node and connect it to the recipe at the point you want to resolve for a specific pass.
2.   Select the LookFileResolve node and press Alt+E.

The LookFileResolve node becomes editable within the Parameters tab.

3.   In the passName parameter, enter the look file pass to use.

If no look file pass is specified when attempting to resolve, the pass falls back to the default pass when KATANA_LOOKFILE_DEFAULT_PASS_FALLBACK is set to 1. In this case, no error is generated and the default pass is used, otherwise Katana produces an error location.

Note:  The lookfile.resolvedPass attribute always reports the requested pass and is, therefore, not affected by this fall-back.

Note:  To force a reload for a look file that is being resolved, click Flush Look File Cache in the LookFileResolve’s parameters.