Pan and Zoom

The Horizontal/Vertical Offset (pan) and Zoom controls allow you to adjust the Viewport position without actually moving the camera. This is useful when a camera has been loaded from another package (such as when representing a camera track) and you don’t want to change its position or orientation.

Note:  The render window bounding box (the view from the render camera) is shown in the viewport using a green dotted box.

To pan and zoom the selected camera in the Hydra Viewer:

1.   Click to bring up the pan/zoom controls.

2.   To make changes to the current view:

enter a parameter value to jump to that position, or

click-and-hold on the parameter label and slide (scrub) the mouse left or right.

Parameters include:

Horizontal Offset - pan left (negative value) or right (positive value).

Vertical Offset - pan up (positive value) or down (negative value).

Zoom - Zoom in (1 and above) or out (0 to 1).

Tip:  All three text fields can be scrubbed by dragging on their names.

3.   Click Reset to restore defaults.

If offset and zoom values are non-zero, Katana displays a warning icon on the left of the toolbar to indicate that a transform is active.