Changing the Image Size and Position
There are numerous ways to get the image to the right size and location within the Monitor tab.
To move the image around the Monitor tab, middle-click and drag.
To fit an image to the Monitor tab, at the top of the tab, select [Current display ratio] (for instance 1.23 : 1) > Frame Display Window (or press F).
To viewing the image at a 1:1 ratio, select [Current display scale] > Reset Viewport (or press Home). The image changes size so the displayed image is one image pixel to one screen pixel, the bottom-left of the image moves to the bottom-left of the Monitor tab.
Changing the Size of the Image Within the Monitor Tab
To change the displayed image size:
• Scroll the mouse-wheel up to zoom in (or press +) or scroll the mouse-wheel down to zoom out (or press -). The image size changes by a factor of two, for example: 1:8, 1:4, 1:2, 1:1, 2:1, 4:1, 8:1, and the change is reflected in the display scale at the top of the tab, or
• Press Alt+middle-click and drag (drag right to zoom in, drag left to zoom out).
Tip: Katana zooms in and out around the location of the cursor.
Note: In many Linux windows managers, the Alt key is used by default as a mouse modifier key. This can cause problems in 3D applications where Alt is used for camera navigation in 3D environments.
You can use key mapping to assign the mouse modifier to another key, such as the (Super or Meta) key, but the method changes depending on which flavor of Linux you're using. Please refer to the documentation on key mapping for your particular Linux distribution for more information.