Underlaying and Overlaying an Image

The Monitor tab within Katana has the ability to overlay or underlay an image with the current render. The underlay and overlay can be composited with either the Over or Add function. In order to display the underlay and overlay controls, click . The Underlay/Overlay toolbar is added to the Monitor tab.

If you want to add an image to the underlay or overlay fields, middle-click and drag from either the Front/Back images in the Monitor tab or one of the renders from the Catalog tab. The checkbox toggles on and the underlay/overlay function becomes active. To remove an image from the underlay or overlay fields, click to the right of the image.

To turn off the underlay or overlay composition, uncheck the checkbox to the left of the field name. Whereas if you want to change the compositing function used:

1.   Click the dropdown on the left of the toolbar.
2.   Select the compositing function, the options are Add or Over.

If you want to remove the underlay/overlay toolbar altogether, click .