Navigating Inside the Node Graph
As you set up your recipe, you may need to move between clusters of nodes quickly. Katana offers various navigation methods and shortcuts to help you navigate the Node Graph tab quickly.
• Panning - middle-click and drag the mouse pointer over the workspace. The recipe moves with your pointer.
• Zooming in - move your mouse pointer over the area you want to zoom in on, and press + (Plus key) repeatedly until the workspace displays the recipe at the desired scale, or press Alt+left/right-click and drag right. Alternatively, move the mouse pointer over the area you want to zoom in on, and scroll up with the mouse wheel.
• Zooming out - move your mouse pointer over the area you want to zoom out from, and press - (Minus key) repeatedly until the workspace displays the recipe at the desired scale, or press Alt+left/right-click and drag left. Alternatively, move the mouse pointer over the area you want to zoom out from, and scroll down with the mouse wheel.
Note: In many Linux windows managers, the Alt key is used by default as a mouse modifier key. This can cause problems in 3D applications where Alt is used for camera navigation in 3D environments.
You can use key mapping to assign the mouse modifier to another key, such as the (Super or Meta) key, but the method changes depending on which flavor of Linux you're using. Please refer to the documentation on key mapping for your particular Linux distribution for more information.
• Fitting selected nodes in the node graph - in the Node Graph tab, press F. If no nodes are selected, then the entire node tree fills the Node Graph.
• Fitting the entire node tree in the node graph - in the Node Graph, press A.