Removing, Replacing, and Deleting Nodes

Removing a Node

There are two different ways to disconnect a node without deleting it:

remove the inputs/outputs manually, or

extract it, which removes all connections and attempts to repair the recipe by connecting the nodes that are around the extracted node.

To disconnect a node, drag the head or tail of the connecting arrow to an empty area of the workspace.

To extract a node, removing all the connections to the node without deleting it:

1.   Select the node you wish to extract.
2.   In the Node Graph, select Edit > Extract Selected Nodes (or press X)

This removes all connections from the selected node, extracting it from the recipe.

Replacing Nodes

To replace one node with another you can use the R key to replace a node using the same Tab menu.

To replace a node using the R key:

1.   In the Node Graph, select the node you want to replace.
2.   Press R and start typing the name of the node you want to create.

Katana displays a list of matches.

3.   To select the node you want to add from the list, either:

click on it, or

scroll to it with the Up and Down arrow keys and press Return.

The new node replaces the selected node in the Node Graph.

Deleting Nodes

To delete selected nodes

1.   Select the node(s) you want to delete.
2.   Press Delete.

Katana removes the node(s) from the scene.

To delete all nodes not contributing to the current Scene Graph, in the Node Graph, select Edit > Delete All Non-Contributing Nodes. Disabled nodes that would contribute if enabled are not deleted.