Selecting Nodes

Katana offers a number of options for selecting nodes. Selected nodes are highlighted in yellow.

To select a single node, click once on the node. To select multiple nodes, press Shift while clicking on each node you want to select, or drag on the Node Graph to draw a marquee. Katana selects all nodes inscribed by the marquee.

Single node selected.

Multiple nodes selected.

To select all nodes upstream of the currently selected node(s), click on a node and press Ctrl+Up Arrow. Katana selects all nodes that feed data to the selected node.

To select all nodes downstream, of the currently selected node(s), click on a node and press Ctrl+Down Arrow. Katana selects all nodes downstream from the selected node.

Upstream nodes selected.

Downstream nodes selected.

To add to a selection, Shift+click to select more nodes without clearing the current selection.

To deselect a node, Shift+click.