Asset API (Python)
Asset Plugins
- AssetAPI.GetAssetPlugin(pluginName: str) object
Returns the asset plugin with the given name.
- AssetAPI.GetAssetPluginNames() List[str]
Returns a list containing the names of all currently registered asset plugins.
- AssetAPI.GetDefaultAssetPlugin() object
Returns the default asset plugin.
- AssetAPI.GetDefaultAssetPluginName() str
Returns the name of the default asset plugin.
- AssetAPI.SetDefaultAssetPluginName(pluginName: str) None
Sets the default asset plugin.
File Sequence Plugins
- AssetAPI.GetFileSequencePlugin(pluginName: str) object
Returns the file sequence plugin with the given name.
- AssetAPI.GetFileSequencePluginNames() List[str]
Returns a list containing the names of all currently registered file sequence plugins.
- AssetAPI.GetDefaultFileSequencePlugin() object
Returns the default file sequence plugin.
- AssetAPI.GetDefaultFileSequencePluginName() str
Returns the name of the default file sequence plugin.
- AssetAPI.SetDefaultFileSequencePluginName(pluginName: str) None
Sets the default file sequence plugin.
- AssetAPI.ResetAllAssetAPIPlugins() None
Calls the reset() method on all currently loaded Asset API plugins.