Base Widgets


Module defining the BaseMainWindow, BaseWidget, and BaseFrame classes, base classes for widgets and windows to provide handling of keyboard shortcuts for themselves and their child widgets.


class UI4.Widgets.BaseWidgets.BaseWidget

Bases: QWidget, KeyboardShortcutManagerMixin

Base class for classes that are normally derived from QtWidgets.QWidget, which is also derived from UI4.App.KeyboardShortcutManager.KeyboardShortcutManagerMixin.KeyboardShortcutManagerMixin to provide handling of keyboard shortcuts for instances of this class including their child widgets.

staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("BaseWidget" inherits "QWidget": )


class UI4.Widgets.BaseWidgets.BaseFrame

Bases: QFrame, KeyboardShortcutManagerMixin

Base class for classes that are normally derived from QtWidgets.QFrame, which is also derived from UI4.App.KeyboardShortcutManager.KeyboardShortcutManagerMixin.KeyboardShortcutManagerMixin to provide handling of keyboard shortcuts for instances of this class including their child widgets.

staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("BaseFrame" inherits "QFrame": )


class UI4.Widgets.BaseNodeGraphLayerStack

Bases: LayerStack

Class implementing basic functionality that is common to Node Graph tab-like widgets.

Supports alternative background colors if this widget’s parent implements _getAltBackgroundColorMap(self) -> DrawingModule.nodeWorld_AltBackgroundColorMap.

frameNodes(nodes, zoom=True)

Animates changes in this layer stack’s eye point in order to pan the view so that the given nodes are shown in the center of the view.

  • nodes (list of NodegraphAPI.Node) – The nodes to center in the view through animated panning.

  • zoom (bool) – Flag that controls whether to zoom the view.

frameNodesOnBounds(zoom, bounds, scales)

Animates this layer stack’s eye point in order to view the provided bounds

  • zoom (bool) – Flag that controls whether to zoom the view.

  • bounds (list of float) – The bounds to center the view on.

  • scales (list of float) – the relative & absolute scales and the x & y offsets to be applied to this framing operation.

staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("BaseNodeGraphLayerStack" inherits "LayerStack": )